SB Labs

Labs that will test your gear

I’m going to make a hypothetical scenario. If and only IF a person had someone at a university with a good lab AND that person could be trusted then that might be a route someone could take… hypothetically speaking.
My buddy owns a cannabis testing laboratory, he actually said the same thing lol. What I am wanting lab tested was legally prescribed to me… just seems bunk
If it’s doctor scripted and came out of a legit pharmacy then it’s very unlikely to be bad.
Yeah that’s the thing… go watch Bostin loyds recent video on Florida Alternative medicine. Their orals are under the scope right now. They are labeling pill bottles and packing them with UGL grade tabs (allegedly). I happen to have a bottle with a sketchy label on it.
Ohhhh you’re not getting this from a brick n mortar pharmacy? Cvs…walmart… etc
So long story short, FL Alternative is a physical clinic but I am a telemed patient. Their testosterone comes from Hallandale compounding which is legit, however their orals are sent directly from the clinic, the label is missing RX number, physician licensing, and the pharmacy listed on the label is bogus… doesn’t exist.
Yeah the T is fine… no issues there. However the orals are the substance in question. I’m 5 weeks into their Oxandrolone and I am flat as a fucking pancake and my joints are dry and aching like I’m on winstrol. I confronted the owner about it and he got super defensive and made it obvious this was not from a licensed pharmacy. My guess is they are buying in bulk from UGL and packaging as prescription meds.
The clinic that got popped for A rod and manny Ramirez did the same thing. I’m pretty sure that’s common for these pop up hrt clinics