Reviving an old post because I have found that unless you are using Rx GH you most likely are playing russian roulette in quality and purity. If you are lucky enough to find a solid off brand that is great.
I have been fortunate to have unlimited access to pharma grade for the past three years. I have used Genotropin and Humatrope.
I have used up to 8iu/day at 5 on, 2 off. My personal experience is that hGH is a very slow and very expensive process. I am not saying that it is not effective but unless you have deep pockets (even for the knockoff brands) and a lot of patients I am not sure I can recommend it for most individuals.
I found that dosing first am fasted and inter-day fasted to work best for me. This protocol helped me avoid the daily sleepiness that is common with GH. I choose not to dose before bed. My reasoning was that I have a healthy sleep cycle and I did not want to interrupt my natural GH release.
I am currently on a therapeutic anti-aging dose of 2iu and will cease use very soon.
I would recommend before deciding on running GH be prepared for the investment semi-long term because that is what will be required to experience the full benefits if your are lucky enough to get high quality. Also weigh the affect that the sides effects might have on your daily life. Everyone experiences them differently but many of them are common to most. At times they come and go without reason. I still have trigger finger in both my little fingers.
EDIT- if you are a cancer risk and/or have had cancer you should seriously consider avoiding it at all costs. I know of an individual that developed several thyroid benign growths and two brain tumors on two separate occasions. One on the pituitary and another center mass.
Just my two cents on the subject.