Liver king, this guys Natty?

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Pinnacle training and nutrition/MOD
Staff member
Not sure who here is on Instagram but if you are jump on and look at this chooch. Claims to be an ancestral living specialist. Eats liver raw 3x per day. He’s my age my height and makes me look small. If he’s “natural” I’m Jesus Christ.
Yeah he recently popped up in my feeds . I’ve been following him for a few months now . There’s no way he’s natural and the anabolic doc already called him out and said he’s irons levels are probably through the roof witch is not good long term . Some people will do anything for the money and fame !
That was point to him. No one is taking anything away from you , just be honest. You cannot look like that just eating liver and sleeping in the floor
He claims to sleep on the floor? What is the benefit of that? All the other stupid shit he does I can see some …sort of, far reaching benefits… maybe? I guess. Sleeping on the floor! That’s just dumb
Yeah his bed is basically wood and some supposedly 100% wool and cotton sheets that he sleeps on . he’s a real piece of work if you ask me. Everything he’s doing is for getting paid through Instagram and YouTube . I’m not knocking his hustle but like everyone here agrees just admit it Instead of making up lies and having kids follow this advice !
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