Looking for a pre workout


Well-known member
Hey guys. Laidies Hope all r good. So was looking for a good pre workout. Any suggestions please. And what’s better tabs or injection. Thanks.
I’m not sure if you’re just looking for an AAS or a Pre workout supplement? I personally don’t take any AAS as a preworkout, but on cycle I will take my TrenA 3 hours prior. Now… but for workout? I do a double shot of espresso and that’s pretty good. Or if you can find them Rip it. 😂
Makes me think when a friend had a stripper at his condo and we couldn’t find and blow so I just showed up with a case of rip it’s from corner store as some form upper. People just didn’t seem as excited. I must have downed like 8 in two hours
Mine was 03 in Iraq. No strippers but a different mission. 😂. Rip it was drank with lots of hydroxycut cuts as a chaser. 😂
I did 50mgdbol 50mg tne the other day and felt great. I think any thing that has no ester will do the job pretty well
Only thing I dislike about tren base is it hurts for around 3-5 hours afterwards, but is gone by the next day.
I’m going to run it in my next cycle. Probably start it off at .5ml. First time I ran a full ml of TNE I broke out in an instant sweat. I can feel the TNE kind of tingling as it’s pushing in the muscle. I love it. I imagine I’ll love the Tren too.
I’ve got a little less than 7 weeks before I PCT. After PCT. I’m jumping on the Tren train. I’ll be running Tren E and the Base as pre workout.
I’m going to try deca first before hoping on tren train but thinking of getting some blends from srx to see how the tren base does maybe towards end of cycle since I upped eq I’m going to need to procure more anyways