Looking for new cycle ideas

Good question, but berserker just listed that in post using them together also…
Npp and mast??? I wouldn’t personally use those 2 in conjunction ever. That’s me
Long story short, I had it on hand for my wife, she wanted to use it, then she chickened out on using it and I couldn’t find anyone to sell it to, so I said why let it go to waste and used it for the last 6 weeks of my meet prep. Not my best idea
I mentioned it because that’s what he proposed as a compound to use. Personally the only 19nor I would run Mast with is Tren. I don’t see the purpose or point in running it with Deca, NPP, Trestalone or Dbol. You’d get some nice mental and sexual effects from the Mast in a stack with those but that’s about it. Otherwise it just gets over shadowed and is a waste of money.
Well looked at it like this. Would you use deca with mast?? Nandrolone is nandrolone no matter what Ester. So one compound is known for water retention other is known for cutting. So to me it’s conflicting in the body. That’s just me though if you guys want to run that together than do it. I’m just trying to help make sense of cycles.
Mast can be used with anything but you have to understand the purpose of the compound and how it stacks. It’s a DHT designed for cutting, hardening and vascularity. So on paper it doesnt make sense to run it with a steroid that is designed for building mass, water retention and strength. The only acceptable reason to run Mast, IMO, is that it has been shown to be anti-estrigenic and doesn’t aromatise so it could help to lower the conversion of test and nandrolone to a minimum and as a side to that could help with any erectile dysfunctions.
And I like it for all those reasons, and I like deca for the strength it gives me, obviously deca can be replaced by something
Mast in conjunction with deca or NPP would help keep water retention to a minimum, after all mast is known for drying out the physique. The only downside i see using it with deca or NPP is the anti estrogenic properties it carries. 9 times outta 10 people run Deca to put size on, you need estrogen to grow so that’s where I see it as conflicting
I thought it’s not necessarily anti “estrogenic”, rather it doesn’t aromatize the way testosterone “breaks down”…
the mast I thought was reducing the water retention caused by the higher test cyp and NPP use… essentially drying one out, giving the veiny look and such…?

Is that wrong?
Ok here goes…
Weeks 1-12
Sustanon 500mg/wk + Taper
Weeks 1-10
Deca 300mg (I may up this depending on sides 1st timer) Not a great time for little Randizo to be tired!
Weeks 1-6
Tbol 40mg/Day
Adex EOD as directed 🙂
Weeks 2-14
Cabergoline 5mg/week
Probably run weeks 14-20 with Taper
Nolva/Chlomid Mix
I’d keep the caber on hand but not make it a habit to take weekly unless needed. Since this is your first run, you have no idea if you’ll even need it or not.