Looking for some opinions

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DBol is nice, it gives me a burst of energy, feeling of wellbeing, and usually have a better than normal workout after pinning. It really speeds up results with NPP as well. I think it is the cause of my high bp now though. It started to elevate during a cycle with DBol, and I figured it would go away afterwards but it has stuck. Not sure if it’s directly caused by the DBol, or just AAS in general. Never tried superdrol.
I’m gonna automatically say superD, also how you have described your body, metabolism and such I would think superD would better fit you, it’s not water weight like Dbol and who the hell wants water weight, and I feel you would lose more of your gains on dbol as compared to superD it’s also more toxic and would probably be run shorter and lower doses then dbol.
I’ve heard a decent amount of people describe that sense of well being @BrandonIron never got it, I wish I did though, I could use some.
You know, I’ve wondered how much of this stuff is actually placebo effect though. Like the increased appetite with EQ. Maybe it makes some people feel a certain way because they hear all the time that it will make you feel a certain way :man_shrugging:t3:
I don’t notice any increase appetite from EQ
Yup EQ didn’t help my appetite,most compounds affect my appetite negatively.
I don’t notice anything psychological wise but I do have a rough week to 10 days coming off to just trt also thats when I have any acne or estro stuff. Right when I start or when I stop. I run dbol only bc it doesn’t do me bad and I know what to expect. Otherwise I’d like to run super d
Well ask yourself this brotha, what is your goal? Me personally I love Sdrol. I’ve had really nice gains by kick starting my blast with Dbol take a few weeks off orals then run Sdrol in and out for the remainder of your cycle. Remember to run Tudca when running orals especially in and out for your whole blast, 500mg Tudca a day and your good.
Looking to add a bit more size and was looking to run something short. I throw in injectable glutathione from my doc also.
I have the same reaction and Anadrol. Tried it last summer. Was about 6% at the time and extremely vascular. Within 10 days totally smooth. Felt awful
Where you still in a calorie deficit at the time ? That’s seems almost a perfect bf% to run adrol at the ass end of your prep/cut, when Tren is sky high I could either go with adrol or Sdrol for some fullness in time for shoot/beach/ or whatever
I started at 10mg a day, now I do 20mg, sometimes at the end of a 3-4week run I do 30 for the last week, never done more then 30.
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