Looking to get bigger and stay lean

Yes sir it will be my first cycle? Will only run test e or test c at first but the next will be the reason for this post want to get input for the future so I’m well prepared??
Don’t we all lol You probably want to run test for your first cycle to get a feel for AAS and the sides. You have a PCT protocol and AI also?

What are your goals?
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I am getting a wealth of info here and enjoying it.
My first cycle I am thinking of running
Test E or test C
Week1-12 500 mg split 250/250 m, Thur.

Week 1-12: 20/25 mg a week split 10 or 12.5 same days I pin

HCG optional
Week1-6:250iu week split 125/125 same days I pin

After last pin: 2 week bridge to pct stay on aromasin and start my HCG again same dose as before

Week1-4/5 stay on aromasin at 10 to 20 mg a week
Nolvadex: 40/40/20/20/10 tapering week one 40 mg a day week1- 40 mg a day for week2 and so on

My question is if I can’t find aromasin can I use something else to substitute
500mg a week is a good first cycle. Pin M/T

Aromasin- I wouldn’t start taking until you have side effects of estrogen, or lab work confirms high estrogen. Or else you will tank yourself and that is a miserable experience. IF needed- most use 12.5 twice a week. Day AFTER pinning.

HCG: Personally I would use 500- split 250 and 250 the day before you pin your test. You may not need it for the first couple weeks, but to each his own. And I would use it into the PCT.

Staying on aromasin during PCT blindly is an even bigger risk than using it blindly on cycle. If you do this I would use less than you did on cycle. Again, you don’t want to tank your estrogen. You need some to be healthy.

Nolva 40/40/20/20 is good standard protocol.
Clomid 100/100/50/50 I believe should be added. Both of these drugs inhibit estrogen. I posted in depth drug profiles on these recently.

Nolva alone will not start your natural test production.

Contact some sponsors here. There’s no reason you shouldn’t be able to find aromasin.
Very few people can achieve both simultaneously unless you are genetically gifted regardless of AAS. Most people have to eat big, lift big, gain weight, get strong, supplemented with a responsible amount of AAS … then reduce body fat to realize your real gains. This “Big and lean” is by far one of the biggest misconceptions, in my opinion after 25 years of this stuff. Most times they are mutually exclusive of each other …
Good point. Peoples expectations are sometimes out there. Good question would be how big? And how lean? And see what’s a realistic outlook to achieve both