SB Labs

March 30th installment of diets and bodybuilding

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Staff member
Military Vet
Good afternoon all.Breakfast was 4 HB eggs no,1 sesame bagel, protein shake, banana, water.No gym today.Lunch was 2 roast beef,swiss,lett, tomato,light mayo,spicy mustard.4 more HB eggs no yolk, cranberry juice.Today I am grateful for the great outdoors and all the beauty it holds.Hope everyone has a smooth and productive day.
At work for 24 so just cardio.
Diet is the same as usual. I do cut carbs way back on duty though unless it’s my Sunday cheat night.
Crippled my legs yesterday. Great feeling

They put this at my seat In break room
Kad1 said:
Up to 30 lb DB presses lol. Down from 120lb lol
I know that feeling. My issue was shoulder. I stopped using straight bar and went to just dumbbells. Got
To 70’s after six months. Felt way too easy and the dam gym I was at didn’t have anything between 70 and 100. So. The second time I went and seventies I could do a shit ton of reps like 30ish then I said f it and grabbed the hundos. Dropped them immediately after trying to press up. Small reinjury again. Not as bad as first time though.
Doc says it will be months . As long as it works I can deal with the pain.
First real fire since I’ve been back last night and it held up. Smashed wallls, ceilings etc. so that’s good!
Definitely getting too old for this shot though. Lol
Don’t worry though…I still think your badass,and if you aren’t,I’m sure your gun is…
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