SB Labs

May 11th edition of diets and training

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Staff member
Military Vet
Good morning all.Breakfast was 1 can of tuna,1 plain bagel, banana,and a casein shake.Workin half day then gym,don’t think I’m gonna actually lift,gonna swim some laps at the YMCA pool.Today I am grateful for the country I live in,and all the men and women in the military that fought for our of my nieces shes 10 wants to be a Marine,and she’s been texting me asking a lot of questions it feels odd,she’s so young,I’m not one to discourage joining the military,but I don’t encourage it either.I mean from my point of view I wouldn’t be advertising to become Infantry(what I was) it’s rough,and deadly,but yet I loved it.At the same time,why would I recommend Infantry to anyone,let alone a family member…Hope everyone has a smooth and productive day.
Breakfast was 6 eggs scrambled and 3 slices of fried bologna with a Mountain Dew. First snack was pint of chocolate milk and 2 honeybuns. Back and shoulders hypertrophy tonight. Today I am thankful for the peacefulness I find in the middle of the woods watching a fire burn. Only thing I heard all night was a whippoorwill that would not shut up.

So what your woman wouldn’t let you into bed, or you just wanted to camp randomly in the woods??
It’s a spot I’ve got cut out in the woods behind the house just before it gets to the lake. I’ve got a little shooting range set up on the bottom part of it. I’ve got ropes in trees for the kids to climb and swing. My own little hidden get away just 50 yards from the back door.
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