Midway point labs of a very basic 16 week run


Well-known member
So I’m doing a 16 week cycle. 300mg Test E per week along with 25mg Proviron daily. Just got my midpoint results and wanted to see what everyone thinks. Do I need to take anything else? Obviously Estrogen is high but is it high enough to warrant Adex? Overall what do you think


Your t levels are excellent. How do you feel? Sleep sex energy mental overall well being attitude
Yes you would really have to take a low dose of any AI if you were to take one. As far as I know Adex is stronger per mg then Aromasin so it may be easier to dial in? I might be inclined to not take one with e2 on being at 74 anyway.
@Poppy I feel great for what it’s worth. I have a 3 year old so I don’t get much sleep. Especially since I get up at 4:15am for the gym. Sex and everything else is great. Just wish my shoulders didn’t hurt so much but it is what it is.
Well imo…I wouldn’t mess with anything.

I quit bench pressing for one yearish on two separate occasions decades apart and my shoulders thank me every day for it.
@Poppy Agreed. and yeah, no bench for me. Dumbbells mostly though I have sprinkled decline barbell in here and there. Honestly what makes my shoulders on fire is lateral dumbbell raises. I’m wasted after those. I don’t know if it’s the pump but they feel like they are burning and gonna pop.
There’s a general protocol for general shoulder health… it’s a pretty high ratio of pulling to pushing.

Face pulls rows hi/lo etc.
I’m benching right now 365 for my deload sets of 6 and they feel heavy. I guess I’ve either been driving or drinking,never at same time the past five days.
Agreed. That’s on the just above where I wanna be point for my estro but not much. If you feel great and don’t have any sides leave it alone. If you feel you need an ai I would do half an adex once a week on a day your not injecting.