Need advice. Been out of the game

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Well-known member
Hey my friends, haven’t had much time since my daughter was born. Been on TRT, have a shattered testicle. Anyway, what’s the best cutting cycle? I’m a little fluffy but have kept up with work outs and diet pretty well. 6’1” 230, probably 15-18% bf. Plan on dropping to 13% before running anything. At that point what do you guys think? I’m totally open just looking for advice. Hope everyone has been well and killing it.
If you’re already on trt stop cycling. It’s outdated and ineffective.

Increase your test as high as possible WITHOUT the use of any ancillary support drugs or negative lab result findings. This dose will be unique to you.

Once you find that then add in mast or primo in further separate your androgen:estrogen ratio.
Awesome, this is exactly what was in the back of my mind. Thanks brother. What are your feelings on tne?
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That’s up to you. Use it for a bit how you intend to and see if it skews labs.

You will have steady levels pinning longer ester compounds as frequent as possible.
I am also on the @Neuro VB protocol.
When were your last labs and what did they look like?

Can you find the time to walk 3+ miles a day?
Are you eating clean?
Do these things with your strength training and you will lose your 5% bf.

Add in low dose Telmisartan and injectable Glutathione as well.
Goal dependent but…
  • easiest thing on the joints to create a calorie deficit that is repeatable daily.
  • It takes less than an hour.
  • you can add a weight vest or weighted ruck to help burn extra calories too.
Especially for the desk-cowboys and keyboard warriors like myself.
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