Need help troubleshooting Cycle


Well-known member
Hey guys I am 3 weeks into my cycle and have had a low sex drive as of the last week. I am taking 500mg test e/wk, 400mg eq/wk, 50mg dbol/ day, and 40mg proviron/day. My sex drive skyrocketed right off the bat now is crashing. I the gym amd get a good pump but just don’t have what I did in the beginning. I know I could take tadalifil but would rather correct the imbalances if possible. Should i take Adex or nolva? If so how.much and how often. I value you guys opinions so please give me some feedback.whenever you get a chance. Thanks!
Only way to know for sure is bloodwork we can all blindly guess I would say estrogen from dbol and test guessing again eq never messed with my wee wee proviron neither but when you guess you may make it work then get paranoid the. Crash your estrogen then rebound hard and all the whole time it was a Tumor . I’m kidding about the tumor but seriously a tumor
So i just got some.blood work done and I found out for one that even though I was taking 500mg test e (flash) my test levels were lower.than what they should be for taking that amount and my estrogen was crashed from.taking .5mg of adex per day. in the lrocess.of correcting that at the moment.
How long after shot and what time did you get bloodwork done first thing in morn fasted did you workout first ect how long you been on cycle.
500mg cycle you may not even need an ai also what are your baselines while not on cycle
Not fasted because of work schedule I had to do it around 430pm and I workout after. It was probably a day after shot and I have gotten off the ai. I am about 10 weeks into a 20 week cycle. Quit dbol after week 6 and am on test e, equipoise, and proviron. Since I haven’t been getting results I want i recently upped test to 1000. My guy said the stuff I have been taking wasn’t 500.