Need some input on a cycle for prep


Active member
I’ve posted in the past and I was recommended to wait a year before jumping on a cycle from some of the mods and highly respected members of this community since I was new to TRT. The reasoning was to see where my TRT dose would put me and to experiment with how much test I can take without needing an AI. Prior to TRT I’ve done a couple of cycles over the course of 5 or so years so I’m not a complete newbie. Anyways, I picked up powerlifting about 3 months ago, and I have a meet in December. I am going to start my prep here in 3 weeks so I was wanting to jump on a cycle. I am currently 173lbs and now I am at around 14.5-15% bf. I am going to be competing at 165lbs so I still have some fat to lose but muscle to gain. Below is the cycle so let me know your thoughts.

Week 1-6:
Test C @ 200mg/wk
Tren A @ 50mg/EOD

Week 7-8:
Test C @ 350mg/wk
Tren A @ 50mg or 100mg/EOD (dose depends on how I respond)
Anavar @ 50mg/day

Week 9-10:
Test C @ 500mg/wk
Tren A @ 50mg-100mg/EOD
Anavar @ 50mg/day

Week 11-14:
Test C @ 600mg/wk
Tren A @ 50mg-100mg/EOD
Anavar @ 50mg/day

I’ve discovered that I can handle up to 400mg/wk of test c before I feel symptoms of high estrogen. The only real symptom I had was I felt like the gyno/hard small lump under right nipple was more sensitive than before. My 1mg of anastrozole fixed that. I feel the same taking the 1mg anastrozole at 200mg/wk vs 400mg/wk.
My opinion on the test…take the max amount you can without sides or ancillaries to combat sides. If it’s 400 a week then go there and stay there and see how that treats you…err on the side of caution and settle at 350 a week (example). You very well could get away with that forever. With no sides… that’ll mean no extra drugs or nasty feeling.
I’ve had gyno since I was 19 and its not terrible. The only signs I have are the hard lump (smaller than a marble) under my right nipple and when my nipples aren’t hard they are puffy. Other than that you wouldn’t know. Anyways, my point is that 400mg is when the lump started to get sensitive and I do not want my gyno to worsen. That is one of my biggest fears, haha. If I take the anastrozole even at 350mg, would it effect my gains or cause any negative issues? Again, I felt the exact same when I took it at 400mg compared to when I took it at 200mg.
Good to see your doing labs.So if your nips aren’t hard,their puffy,so yes keep test low as possible,who wants puffy nips.It seems like your down playing the gyno you’ve had it since you were 19,how old are you now? Maybe you need something other then adex.
Brother I can’t comment on the tren…I’ve never touched it. Of all things over the decades, that stuff scared me.

Anavar…i can take it or leave it. I gave away a bunch not too long ago due to not tolerating it well on my labs. Keep in mind…I’m a useless shriveled up old man that’s very cynical.
I’ve used Aromasin with success. It’s a suicide inhibitor that takes out the enzyme that converts test to estrogen. It’s supposed to be among the least harmful AI. Didn’t seem to effect my blood work other than lowering estrogen. Do your own research and make your own judgment though.
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How tren effects you is really individual. Some people go bat shit crazy on it. ‘A friend of mine’ had no negative effects to his mood but he only went to 300mg per week.
Tren is an interesting choice for powerlifting. I feel like nandrolone would be a better option but that’s just me. The few times I tried tren I couldn’t eat worth a damn. Slept like shit. So I wouldn’t think it would be ideal for powerlifting. That’s just me.

I’m one of the most conservative folks you will meet on a forum, I’m trying to be in the game for the next 50 years. If you just wanna be big and strong and gamble down the road on your health, that’s totally fine! I’m just talking from my health and longevity mindset.

Up your test to however high you can run it without an AI. we want our estro as high as possible without sides. Estrogen isn’t the main/only cause of gyno it’s a complex hormonal pathway. The goal here is to raise our androgen:estrogen ratio. If we bring up test we want estrogen to ride with bc it’s so Neuro and cardiac protective.
Tren can cause crazy strength increases in some people. I know it did for “my friend” lol. I’m not trying to talk anyone into tren though lol
Tren is god in powerlifting. I specially those cutting for weight class
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That’s what I’ve read and that is why I would like to take her for a spin. I’d like to cut as close as possible to 165 without having to drop water weight. Plus the strength benefits I’ve read about are amazing.
Eh I mean the only reason I’m down playing it if you want to say that, is because I’ve dealt with it for a little over 9 years now. I honestly didn’t even know it was gyno until maybe 2.5-3 years ago. I thought it was from being in the mil (infantry, and always wearing a plate carrier). But then I did some research and figured out it was gyno. Looking back at when I was 19 I took a prohormone called Swole 250. And prior to January 2014 they were legal and the real deal. I knew nothing about steroids or pro hormones then so I just took it. Anyways, puffy nips are definitely a bit embarrassing but I’ve been dealing with it. Looking back to one of my very first test cycles I used nolvadex and a PCT and if I remember correctly, I want to say it actually improved my gyno.
Yes there are guys I’ve seen before who nolva on cycle for those issues,I believe he would use 10mg daily.