SB Labs

New beginnings for me


Well-known member
Hello My name is Bud and I had knee surgery last April that went well without a single problem. During my rehab I met therapists and trainers that were so supportive. As a result I have had a trainer since. Training my mind to what I am capable of has been a challenge . I am 60y/o 5ft 10 wt 188. 16% BF I am on TRT 200/wk and am stable in my therapy. 2000 cal a day with a goal of 80-10 Gm of protein / day.
I am not longer that skinny kid. my arms and chest are developing. My trainer sees a difference already. I train to failure and usually plan on sore muscles daily. Squats and RDL’s are becoming a habit. What is it that I want? I want pecs that stand out and arms that bulge.
With my Test at 200/wk I would like to add Nandrolone Decanoate 200/mg since I have it. What dose do I start out with and for how long of a cycle? Wanted to keep it simple for my first cycle to see how I respond. Thank you for listening
Welcome to brother im glad that you choose this community.
I also made a comeback after a serious injury and rehab. It was a ruptured bicep and it healed about 80%.

So being honest because I believe in harm reduction and you being 60yrs old and already taking trt might be a good place to stay and focus on your diet.
Diet is the key it always will be you can take as many compounds as possible and you won’t make any gains or atleast real gains.

Adding the decca can put extra stress on the body. I think that before adding anything you need to definitely get a full blood panel done to show everything and you should also get a ekg of your heart. After these tests then you will know if your body is in the right condition to use compounds like nandrolone.
I can tell you a story about a man named Kimbo Slice he was a professional street fighter from Miami and he was actually good enough that Dana White from the UFC brought him in and gave him a chance he was also really popular so it was also definitely about money.
Well the point of the story is that Kimbo had a problem with his heart and he was taking testosterone decca and tbol and he died while training. This was a man in peak condition but because of a heart problem he died. So I just reccomend getting all the testing done and if everything looks good then definitely add in nandrolone. You can add in decca or NPP both are the same compound with different esters.
If you would like to run a low dose of decca for a long period of time say 200mgs 1x a wk or you can split the dose 100mg 2x a wk but with a long ester that decca has you can pin once a week. Then run it for 12-20wks depending on when you feel its time to stop and remember that the decca will last around 3-4wks after your last injection.

Then you have the option of NPP nandrolone phenyl propionate this is a compound of nandrolone that has a heavy ester attached so you need to take more but it works much faster. With decca you will wait around 4wks to really see the big gains happening. With NPP you can start to see results after 1 week but you will need to inject it 3x a week I usually inject mon,wed,fri. I would get a 150mg dosed product or even a 100mg dozed product and dose 300mg-450mg.

I think that in your case that the decca at 200mgs would be the best way to go about it. Less injecting and you can get pharma grade products if you would like to get pharma grade instead of under ground labs but all UGL’S on this site are verified and have a good product.

If you have any questions you can always contact me im here to always help just please ask the questions in public instead of in a private message. I have been answering alot of questions in PM and the sponsors aren’t seeing the activity. Not your fault lol you have nothing to do with it but I thought I would just bring it up.

Welcome to brother I look forward to hearing from you and seeing you in the forums.
Thank you so much for your knowledge. I have been a nurse for 40+ years and understand labs. So when I see my doc he sees me once a year and get draw all the labs with one poke. I have been blessed with good health and stick to good nutrition. Liver is great as I don’t abuse it CBC and Chem panel good. Kidneys work fine. I will tell my doc that I am taking Deca just to be honest.
I so appreciate your support. Feel intimated at times in the gym but pushing myself forward to have a nice pair of arms myself
Im so happy that you are honest with your doctor I am also and I preach here all the time that you have to be honest with your doctor about everything that’s why you have doctor patient confidentiality and hippa laws.

Its great that you are part of the medical community I really hope that you stick around and participate in the forums and answer questions because we believe in some of what we call broscience basically what someone experienced and then posted and we take it with a grain of salt but we have other great members that are actually in the medical community also and hearing there opinions and answers are so much better.
@rnmuscle is a great example of this he is part of the medical community and an older gentleman also and is a pro bodybuilder even if he wasn’t a pro he is to me with his knowledge and medical background.
So im really happy that you found us and if you need any help navigating the site just send me a private message and I will give you a tutorial to help you out. I do this for alot of people because it took me almost 2yrs to figure out everything that you can do on this platform.

Since you know that you are in the proper shape to use decca I would definitely go for it.
I would just like to make ome suggestion before going down the rabbit hole about decca have you considered running methenolone enanthate or as its known primobolan or rhimobolan? If not I would love to have a discussion with you about it.

Decca is a great choice for you to add to your trt. It will help with your joints by adding on water and it is very anabolic so it will increase the amount of muscle mass added to your body especially with the proper diet in place.
I would reccomend getting some caber or dostinex they are the same thing and at a dose of 200mg/ml a wk you shouldn’t have a problem but after awhile the nandrolone will build up and then can have your progesterone levels rise and you don’t want to be caught without it if you need it.
You can be sucessable to gyno from progesterone or progestin just like from estrogen levels. Testosterone and nandrolone both aromatase into estrogen so when you get your blood work done you will be able to see if you need to take an aromatase inhibitor such as arimidex or aromasin. Your doctor im sure will prescribe you either if needed since you will be honest with him about your usage and he will be able to see on your blood work if either is needed.

Please don’t ever feel i intimidated in the gym. I was an athlete weighing 215ish bf%10 or less I was incredibly solid then I let myself go and one day looked down at the scale and saw 260lb+ and I was definitely bf%30+.
I got into the gym and made the change im injured right now so I have put on some weight but I was I believe 220ish and 12-13%bf solid abs and big strong so some times we just need to fix the problem so don’t be intimidated be assured, emboldened, and excited that you are there to work on the issues rather than those that just do nothing about them.
Banned 👍😎
One thing that I have learned from my doc is I take my TRT test 100 mg SQ twice a week. If I inject in the lower abdomen off to the side…don’t feel a thing. This routine keeps my levels steady with no peaks and valleys. Dreaded the weekly IM injection in my bum.The test is compounded by the pharmacy to be absorbed the best like that. Glad it is something I can coply with. Again thanks so much for your insight.
Welcome. Did you feel a change with the sub Q? 100 mgs is a good amt. For one injection. I mean easier to follow than 30mgs/day. Glad you’re here…40 years! I have half that and still have felt how hard it is/was to be a Murse😨. Much respect, motivates me to have someone walk the walk and be honest. @Bigmurph has given you some good advice, you’ll have the pecs and arms…and everything else physique wise. Consistent is key.
Hi The change I have had with TRT is I have energy to be active. The big change was that I did not dread the IM shot anymore. I was dragging anchor until we discovered my testorterone was gone. Now I can go to the gym and work without feeling drained. My injections are only 0.5 ml which is nothing for a SQ shot. Test usually comes in 200mg/cc. My schedule for SQ is Sundays and Wednesday. Need a routine as you can imagine. Thank you for the support. Trying to go to the gym on the days I don’t work 12 hrs shifts can kill. Sometimes only days off I go to the gym just to show up. I can find something that I am support to do. I can now do pull ups 4 sets of 10 that I could not do before. And yes I hate the last one but I do it for my dog and that makes all the difference
I wonder if you’re compound pharmacy is using micronized testosterone cypionate.
I don’t know if there is such a thing but I need to start trying to inj subq
Wanted to get back to you on my Test results
sex hormone bind globulin 15 nmol/L range 11-80
Testost: Free calc 194 pg/ml range 47-244 pg/ml
Testost: % Free 2.7 % range 1.6-2.9 %
Testosterone 716ng/dl range 300-720 ng/dl

This is the dose of Test Cyp 200mg/ml dose 0.5ml SQ twice a week Specially compounded for SQ use

Now I have added Deca 200mg IM once a week
Plan to see how I respond before I make any changes. I need to measure each week. Thanks for listening