New cycle ideas.... :|

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Looking for some ideas on a new cycle…
It’s about summertime, so looking for lean gains…

I’ve ran tren the last 2 cycles, wanting to try something different…
I’ve never ran deca before, but am really considering it…
I know people experience some water retention with deca, but maybe with mast it’ll help keep that down?

Looking at 400mg test cyp 500mg deca, with 3-500mg mast e, and maybe Anadrol?
I’ve never ran anadrol either… worth it?

Any other ideas?
I’ve done npp, mast p, test prop cycles as well. That was actually my goto the previous cycles.

*side note, i take aromasin 12.5mg every 3 days
on TRT (200mg a week) and hg 3iu (at the moment) probably bump it up to 6iu during cycle.
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I wouldn’t use deca for summer, I haven’t touched deca since I started using npp! I retain a lot of water with deca though. EQ’s a popular summer compound if your wanting something new/different.
I’ve been seeing that as of late.
Lots of people trying EQ, but everything I’ve read it’s a more mild steroid that might not put on a lot of size, but it’ll increase your strength significantly…
If your goal is bigger and bloated. Deca and Anadrol is a sure bet. 😂😂😂 just kidding. No I’m not:joy: Anadrol does cause me to retain a lot of water. And Deca in high doses really rounds me out. I get moon faced on high doses of Deca. My favorite is always TestE Deca low dose for joints and Winstrol. Now Winstrol is no joke. It carries a ton of sides. My last cycle as a older guy it really fucked me up. So no more Winstrol. Everyone tells me mast or EQ is the better way to go. Now I have done Tren and test. That leaned me up a lot. I posted a picture after the Tren cycle. Was almost as ripped as a Winstrol cycle. ALMOST. And let the Winstrol bashing begin in 3…2…1…😂
Now this is an interesting topic. I’ve also was thinking the same. I’ve done test e, Tren e, and Mast. I friken loved it! I was thinking of deca and anadrol (never taken before) but read about water retention and i think my body easily retain water. Keep posting on what you decide and result.
The story goes that NPP will help with water retention as its a shorter esther. I doubt pinning a couple more times a week would be much of an issue, and recovery would seemingly be a bit easier.
Yea I’d prolly swap the Deca with EQ, it gives way better aesthetics then Deca. I know guys though that run Deca summer time to stay looking full, in all reality it’s really diet dependant. As far as Anadrol some guys use it right up to a show or shoot, so you can stay lean on it, especially when in a calorie deficit it’ll really fill you out
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Really? EQ? 5-600mg a week, correct?
anadrol or would anavar be better?

@TBU - I ran win with my last two cycles, helped with the muscle hardening when i was lean, but never really experienced any of the sides… (elbows and knees hurt off and on)
Ha ha, that’s the only bad side I got from it, it just doesn’t fit my normal protocol for a cycle
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I loved Winstrol… I hit 55 and swear to god. Every bad side you could get from it I got it all at once. One of those compounds I can’t take any more. Which makes me a bit sad…😂
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My new fav lean bulk is IM Dbol 50mg split daily, and 500mg/wk of NPP and TestCyp.
I seriously get the gains of tren, without the aggression and sleep deprivation. Love it. I’m so glad my sponsor came out with the liquid Dbol, because i will never use orals. This is my go to now. I highly recommend it.

Edit to say this:
Post cycle, I lost zero pounds of muscle. I ran Dbol for 6 weeks, and NPP for 12, then back to trt test c. I still have these gains months later and just started up my second cycle of this. Already seeing mass.

@McSwickles I too haven’t used deca since finding NPP. I actually have like 5 bottles of it that i will never use…
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@BrandonIron how’s the water retention with inject dbol, I started a dbol/npp/test cycle but dropped the dbol after 3 weeks because I was having a hard time keeping e2 where I wanted it.
Personally I like EQ at 900, but you can play with it, fairly safe AAS. As for Anavar I never really cared for it, I ran it a few times but if you look at all my cycle experience Tren is always in there, so the Tren would over shadow the Anavar all day everyday. But never hurts to try new things, maybe it’ll become your favorite oral, few guys swear by it
You won’t see gains like you would on Deca, I use EQ more or less for aesthetics, makes the shoulders really pop like a 3d look. And not to mention the shrink wrap effect. EQ builds the muscle from with in so your overall physique will have a more rounded and pronounced look. One of my faves for summer and shoots
Wanna look shredded use Winstrol over Anavar any day, then last 2 weeks of blast throw in Anadrol or Sdrol and you’ll blow the fuck up with all the nitrogen retention associated with Sdrol or Anadrol
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