New Cycle Questions (Test, Eq and Dbol)


Well-known member
Hey guys, just wanted some feedback as to what you think about the cycle I am about to begin in 2 weeks. Let me know if you think its good or if I qould want to tweak something.

So I am going to be running 500mg of test/wk for 20 weeks and will be taking 400mg of Eq/wk for weeks 1-16 and 25mg of Dbol/day for weeks 5-10 (then take 4 weeks off of Dbol wks.11-14) then start Dbol again on weeks 15-20 @ 50 mg/day.

Feedback is much appreciated!
That’s a long time to be using orals for me. All said and done you would be on an oral for like 12 weeks out of 20.

The dosages look good- I’m about to do a similar cycle minus the dbol.

Why an oral at the end? Just curious, asking for my own learning not being snarky.
John you would add proviron? And how much?

Spencer the reason I plan to run the dbol after a few weeks is because I want the Eq first because of the longer Ester then ill take the dbol 6 on 4 off and 6 on to end it. Those thoughts.
Ok good to know I appreciate this Feedback. Would you run the Eq what I am planning for 16 wks if I start the dbol.first?
I’m a 16 week cycle guy now. I used to do 12 weeks on. 12 weeks off. But a couple guys convinced me 16 is the minimum. Since I am on TRT. The last 4 weeks I step down to my cruise cycle. The EQ I’d drop after 16. Then just step down the test to cruise. But that’s me. And I’m old. 😂. Dbol. I only use as a PWO. just to get that burst. After week 4 stop DBOL all together. Dbol does make me retain some water. So I jump up in weight pretty quick on Dbol. Then come down to a more realistic growth number.
Got it- just uncommon to see dbol at the end of a cycle but nothing wrong with it if it fits your goals!

There is some thinking that front loading EQ could help get blood level up quicker …
Run them together test and EQ. You got a good cycle there. I’d just jump start it with DBol. That’s all.
Depends on your results with Dbol. I run a bit heavier Sometimes. But I start at 50mg. Sometimes 1 week 50. Week 2, 3 and 4 100mg Split as morning 50. Then 50 PWO. I lift in the afternoon. I’d always start 50 just to gauge it. If I get good pump from the 50. I’ll stick with it. Sometimes it’s not dosed properly and I’ll take 100. It’s kinda what your body feels. You get what I’m saying? 😁
Absolutely, I guess I didn’t mention it because you run test with every cycle. I like
500 test c
600 NPP
900 EQ
50 split DBol

@SpencerCortez I can feel the DBol for 3 hours or so after injection, so I’m sure it would be a good PWO. It’s no TNe or TrNe, but you can feel it
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