New Cycle Questions (Test, Eq and Dbol)

I take it about 2-3 hours before. And yes. I have serious strength and a lot more endurance. If I do the morning then PWO. I really do. Or. It’s a placebo and I think it’s working. 😂. Nah. I like Dbol. I still take it PWO when I start a cycle
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What would you say the weekly range for Eq is? I always though it was 200-400mgs but after reading others opinions I seem to be a little low.
400 is good, And a lot of really experienced people will tell you that there is no difference between running 400mg and a gram. I ran 500 last time, this time is just an experiment to see if I can tell any difference
Another thing, 400 once a wk or 200 twice a wk. I am always a fan of doing it more often at smaller doses.if possible because it things work better.
400 is a good start w/ EQ. I like 600 personally. Definitely add 50mg proviron to that
I do 25 am and pm entire length. I split EQ into Dailey doses or eod
Is this a bulk? Why not run EQ for the whole duration, Dbol is a great kick starter, me personally I’d do Sdrol or adrol at the ass end to tighten things up and keep you looking full. But again this all really boils down to if your in a deficit at the end
Yes this is a bulk and I can run Eq the whole time. Only.reason I said 16 instead of 20 is to stop and wind down for pct. But I could just blast till the end and have done it many other times its just a harder transition. And I would consider something toward the end as well if you think it would improve the bulk