New guy looking for that edge!

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I love the Olympic style of lifting. I’m no pro by any means I just watch a lot of videos on form and execute haha

I love bodybuilding and the intensity and dedication it takes but anytime I’ve stuck to a bodybuilding (so to speak) routine I get heavy and SLOW! Which kills me at work when I have to run 5+ miles, 12 mile rucks for time, etc… I’m all about performance and endurance for now.

I’m all dialed in on my first run. Made the order and the goods are on the way.

Will be running
Test E 300mg/wk for 12 weeks
Then Nolvadex and Clovid for PCT.
will have an AI on hand but do not/hopefully will not need it.

I’m going light since this is my first cycle testing the waters so to speak. I will start a log once I pin my first dose to hold myself accountable and I’ll keep y’all posted on how it’s working for me and my current goals of staying lean, quick, and strong.

I appreciate all of the reply’s and the help that has been given!
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