Were uncensored here you can talk about anything srcs labs brand anything. I know im a member of another board and its frustrating trying to get an answer about a product or src because you can’t src or product talk openly here you can.
Even if you did post something against our rules I will just move or delete it and send you a pm just to let you know why. There will be no banning or punishment unless you were to bash someone for asking a question which I don’t think im going to have to worry about.
I believe that 90% of people just read the forums because there worried about posting.
Thats why we created
get.jackedforums.com so there could be a forum where none of that happens.
Im going to give you honest advice just like I would anyone else.
You should definitely choose a src from ugm because they will make any problems right it’s a requirement. I even contacted a src yesterday that sent counterfeit gear to a member and there not even part of the verified src at ugm and they are going to make sure that he gets what he paid for so if you go with a verified src at ugm I can always make things right outside of ugm only sometimes I can. The other forums just say sorry you got scammed not here I know most of the site owners and they respond to making things right when I get involved.
So besides a src which we can go back to later you weigh 120-130lbs how tall are you and what is your bf% this will help me alot building you a plan to reach your goals. At that weight you shouldn’t run any aas yet because it will shut you down and during pct you will lose almost everything and you won’t gain 40lbs of muscle.
So first step is your diet what do you normally eat everyday?
Hardgainers and fast metabolism are a false claims. You can have a harder time gaining weight but you still can naturally.
Tell me an example of your daily diet.
You’re cycle will only be as good as your diet so we need to get you bulking naturally until you reach the 170-180lb mark.
I can promise you that just by changing your diet in 6 months we can have you around that weight.
You’re cycle when the time comes I would recommend just test e or c at 500mgs split.
This will allow you to learn how you react to estrogens building up and how much of an AI you will need. Drop the dbol save it for your second cycle. I would suggest maybe proviron at 50mg split so that you won’t need alot of AI and you will free up more testosterone so it doesn’t aromatase so much and you will get more out of your testosterone.
I prefer aromasin myself but everyone is different and in the future when running dbol I would recommend aromasin but first cycle use arimidex at .05 eod and adjust as needed you might be able to even just run proviron and nolvadex 20mg a day and then when you get blood work done then adjust as needed.
I would buy pharma grade pct products and A pharma grade AI .
They’re very important compounds especially in your first run to use so you can make sure that you are understanding how your body is reacting.
I would even recommend pharma grade testosterone but there is so much counterfeit gear out there it might not be worth it and our srcs here are verified to only have the best quality. We have pharma grade verified srcs at
get.jackedforums.com that can provide real products.
Let me know your diet and we will start there.