New to UG


I was asked to check UG out as were some other new members. I belong to another board & have been vet there for a couple of years. I’m 42 years & have cycled for 2 years now. I’m interested in meeting some of you & learning what your vision is at UG & what brought you here.
Whats up brother glad to see you stopped by. I hope that you could make this your new home. We always welcome solid knowledgeable members.
If you ever need anything hit me up anytime

My vision at is to have only the best srcs for members to choose from.
I also enjoy the uncensored part you can really speak your mind here.
I also like that we would never allow a member to get what I called bashed just because he or she asked a question that maybe someone believes is a stupid question. I believe that will continue to grow and become the best online conversation forum about diet training cycling and gear. We are not a review site so it allows us to do so much more here.
This is why im here brother also of course to learn and help others. This is of course my first priority next to getting the best srcs here with us.

Im not a veteran but I imagine you are so we would really like if you would join up with the other veterans to which I owe my freedom to in the veterans forum.
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Welcome over bro. Biggest thing about this board is being honest and watching out for members. Helping as much as we can. Alot of us from the old site were all members on other boards or mods at other boards. Some of us got tired of being scammed by sources and boards openly promoting scammers. So here we handle things a little different. First and foremost we are here for the members. We don’t rank sources like other places do (too much room for coruption in that) and we don’t have sources pay us for being a verified source.
This is why I believe we are the best. Honestly not taking money from srcs makes no room for corruption. No ranking needed because all of our srcs are #1 they all have top notch products and if ever they don’t we don’t ban them but we will take away there verification. I also really like that the srcs and members mingle together in the forums. Being able to talk openly in the forums is also something I enjoy here over other boards.
Maybe not i was around mg and eroids for awhile. I believe that you are from mg I remember the name from reading posts. Either way im glad to have you.
Let me introduce myself im Bigmurph ; )

Now you definitely know me lol