Hey guys im new here to ugmuscle I’ve been on other boards for quite a while and was recently asked to come over and check things out here. I’m a rep for AlphaOmegalabs I’ve been training and into bodybuilding since 2000 when I was in the US army and have been hooked ever since. Throughout the years I’ve competed in a handful of bodybuilding shows mainly local I never intended on going pro or making it a career it was really just to put myself to the test and follow through with dieting and training. A little over a year ago I tore my bicep completely off the bone and got super depressed went through a divorce and started a new business all at the same time so for that entire year I didn’t diet or train and was completely off of everything even testosterone. I’ve been back in the gym now for about 3 months and the past 4 weeks I started a new cycle to get back to my freaky looking self. Of course I’m running all AOL gear im currently running test cyp, npp, anadrol, 4 iu GH and humalog throughout the day. Gains are coming back extremely fast and I’m just glad to be training hardcore again. As far as being a rep I’ve already been talking to some of you guys but if anyone needs anything or if I can help in any way I’d be glad to. My email is [email protected] Wickr- nsane504 I’m always glad to help. I’m glad to be a new member of the ugm community it’s seems like there’s a lot of great guys here and I look forward to interacting with you all. Thanks guys