New to UGM here's a lil about myself!


Active member
Hey guys im new here to ugmuscle I’ve been on other boards for quite a while and was recently asked to come over and check things out here. I’m a rep for AlphaOmegalabs I’ve been training and into bodybuilding since 2000 when I was in the US army and have been hooked ever since. Throughout the years I’ve competed in a handful of bodybuilding shows mainly local I never intended on going pro or making it a career it was really just to put myself to the test and follow through with dieting and training. A little over a year ago I tore my bicep completely off the bone and got super depressed went through a divorce and started a new business all at the same time so for that entire year I didn’t diet or train and was completely off of everything even testosterone. I’ve been back in the gym now for about 3 months and the past 4 weeks I started a new cycle to get back to my freaky looking self. Of course I’m running all AOL gear im currently running test cyp, npp, anadrol, 4 iu GH and humalog throughout the day. Gains are coming back extremely fast and I’m just glad to be training hardcore again. As far as being a rep I’ve already been talking to some of you guys but if anyone needs anything or if I can help in any way I’d be glad to. My email is [email protected] Wickr- nsane504 I’m always glad to help. I’m glad to be a new member of the ugm community it’s seems like there’s a lot of great guys here and I look forward to interacting with you all. Thanks guys
Yeah bro finally slid on over lol. Just gotta figure out the layout, I stared at the screen all day yesterday trying to make an intro lol I’m starting to like it now though I’m definitely glad to be here I’ve talked to some awesome people already.
Welcome my man glad to have you here with us at the best site all time!! We do all we can to help one another so anything you need feel free to ask
Welcome aboard to UG Nsane! @SemperFi I’m always funny! My time has been stretched thin so getting a little help is what the doctor ordered. Will try to be more active on the boards. Had to step back a little due to the increase of everything.