November 11th issue of diets and training

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Staff member
Good afternoon all.No gym today.Breakfast was 1 plain bagel,5 turkey sausage,grapes coffee and water.
Lunch will be chicken and rice,not sure about dinner.But what I am sure about is that I’m gonna be holding this and waiting for deer.their all over in my trail cam,more bucks then does, two shooters,then a few scrub bucks 3 pointer 6pointer,and a few does.Hope everyone has a great weekend.
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Eggs and sprouted grains English muffin with blackberry jam this morning


Chicken breast and BS thighs with Jasmin rice and asparagus PWO

Not sure what later.

Bachelor pad this weekend, wife and the two daughters that live with us are all gone… me and the dogs
Son been going out with his crossbow too. Cams sound same as yours. More bucks then does. Couple shooters and bunch scrub bucks. No trophy bucks They are chasing rn so can show up anytime from anywhere. Hell I was walking out to my stand one year when they were chasing and had one buck come right up to me with his nose to the ground paid no attention to me whatsoever. Could’ve kicked him. @John hope you smoke a big one. Talking about a buck. Lol

Today homemade biscuits and gravy for whole family. Made snowflake shape biscuits with cookie cutter lol. Turkey sausage and eggs.

Down to 250 from 265 four weeks ago. Slowly but progress. Football all day so no workouts dinner will be whatever wife makes. Lunch is tuna and carrots and celery.
Second pic looks like a narrow and tall rack. Typical of what I see of deer that live predominantly in evergreen forests. Beautiful deer. Backing off and waiting for it was smart. In my younger days I had one I kept tracking for miles and could see multiple spots where it had laid down but I kept pushing it. Never did find it. Had I left it and waited probably would have found it too.
Yeah just based off my personality it’s hard to “back off anything”… Bobcat I think found him had his tail and ass end ripped off,it was 34 over night,so I cut had back straps out right there.
I’m going to be on nights during Thanksgiving so I shouldn’t miss much. We eat around noon. I’ll be able see everyone without sacrificing too much sleep
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