October 12th installment of diets and training

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Staff member
Good morning all.Breakfast was yogurt, protein shake,1 plain bagel, banana,coffee and water.Gonna do legs at 11 this morning.Today I am grateful for my family.Hope everyone has a smooth and productive day.
Unhealthy cereal and now putting together the milk at work for packaging. Still got that bulge on right thigh Hasnt gotten bigger. Hope to see dr on Friday if it doesn’t get better if it gets worse wil jaut go to er
No it’s right where too if inner thigh meets my hip/pelvic bone. If it was lower I would assume it’s from rubbing together and what not but just weird area. Does seem to be where my varicose vein goes on one end of it I have eczema patch or and now this at top
Fuck legs,doin these today

Last 3 days I’ve said I’m doin one thing and got to gym an do something else
BF #1 - 3 eggs, 3 eggs whites
BF #2 - Overnight oat in soy milk, w/ 1/2 scoop of protein powder, baked apple, and candied pecans
Snack #1 - Strawberry/Banana 50g protein smoothie
Lunch - Lean Ground turkey, smashed potatoes, veggies
Snack #2 - Protein Bar
Dinner - ?
(still no beer)

Heavy Back Squats:
10 x 1 (380ish goal)

Workout (7 minutes of Heaven):
7 Wallballs 20#
7 Burpees

Daily Gratitude:
Having friends whom you can make laugh via inappropriate jokes and shenanigans.
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