Ostarine or Test cycle

Just throwing this out there. I had a previous post months ago about my first test cycle. Everyone was very helpful in suggestions/tips on the cycle I had planned out. Recently listened to mark bells power project podcast with Dr. Tony Huge and some smart sounding dude and they talked about SARMS being the best thing since sliced bread. I wouldnt say I’m torn because I still would like to do a test cycle, but any thoughts on a ostarine cycle for a first baby step into all of this? Ive searched the boards and am only really coming up with threads on ostarine as a pct not as a cycle. Thanks everyone
Dr Tony huge Google him find his real name and then Google that and you will understand why I don’t trust a word that comes out of his mouth.

That being said I myself am learning about sarms now I was never interested because other compounds got me what I needed. If I find a solid outlook on sarms im going to give them a try but im just not seeing what im looking for smh.

Buying and shipping you should be nervous that’s smart ive recently seen people getting way to comfortable. Stay on your toes and be safe brother
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Everything I have ever read about SARMS is they are still a notch below an actual cycle.
Stick with the real deal, you’ll achieve much better results.
Go with the real deal man, you won’t be disappointed. In my eyes, SARMS are a lot like the old over the counter andros, nor andros, pro hormones and pro steroids that you could buy at GNC… show me the research telling me exactly how they’re going to effect my body in 20 years, you can’t, because they haven’t been around long enough. That’s kind of scary to think of all the people pimping this shit when they don’t even know what it’s going to do to you 20 years down the road…
The real brains for that asshat is coach Trevor. He has more knowledge and of course downplays SARMS. huge is a leech. He sucks knowledge off others then tries to make it his own. If Trevor left he’d be stupid. Plus he’s a little fucker and has that to make up for. 😂
I agree. Maybe he has integrity. I am thinking they started out together. If Trevor left. He could make his own videos and would blow up.