PCT recovery. Or cruise?

Absolutely. It’s normal for testosterone for males and females alike to decline as we age but we are talking very small percentages annually. I think the largest natural decrease I’ve seen reported was 7% while the average is about 1-2% annually. However with long term use of AAS, I’ve read studies that show decreases of up to 10%. I suppose in theory that percentage could decrease to a more normal rate given enough time. The body is amazing at it’s ability to return itself to homeostasis when it comes to chemical secretions and hormones. I guess the real question here should be how long are you willing to feel that way while your body returns to that state and can you manage to go back to feeling “normal” after having been on the TRT?
I think that with hormones the “tolerance” may be an adjustment to just how you feel on it. Anyone can get used to using X over a period of time and the body and mind can adjust and learn as you continue to use X. But is it really a tolerance or is it just becoming accustomed to how it feels? There isn’t any conclusive studies that show receptors degrade or shut down so that said, I feel like coming off of X for a length of time allows your body to begin to function without it. Re-introducing X back to the body after a length of time would start the body’s “learning phase” all over again.

This is all just theorized but it’s a view point to be considered.
Although “reintroducing”could be muscle memory to so is the body actually “relearning” what it already knows
Ha ha yes…and I should try this with my woman, the whole being in the same page thing, I am not a easy person to deal with
Yes, and I question everything, and i don’t typically know who I will be when I wake up,and I’m use to living alone, despite livin the past two years with my fiancé n her 8 yr old kid, kids make me mad,I like my space, I don’t like to be touched, I will do the touching,I will control the kitchen and make dinner, my woman doesn’t clean as through as me gets me irritated,the list is endless HOWEVER, I love her and that kid, and since she’s marrying me in 58 days I guess I am not that fucking bad
I’m pretty much the same way. I only recently actually started talking with my wife and learning to be in love with her after 13 years of marriage. We haven’t had a bad marriage and we don’t fight or argue. We just never really took the time to get to know each other. Sometimes the walls have to come down from both sides and you lay down your arms and just trust that the other person isn’t trying to somehow fuck you over.
That’s great, and awesome it’s gone this far, and now it’s gettin better. I really struggle with telling her anything about how I’m feelin, good or bad, I just don’t tell her anything personal or anyone really, and now this conversation is getting mushy, flabby and unmanly, so Stryker1 out.
Lmao, toss back some adex and main vein some test quick! I understand what y’all mean. My girlfriend and I have been together for going on 8yrs now and have a 2 yr old boy, but are just now learning a lot about each other. And damn she won’t stop talking about marriage lol
I’ve always (100%) went off completely after a cycle. I’ve tried different lengths and combos of course. Other receptors and protein carriers, etc. Have been proven to “clean out” so why not androgen receptors? I have to say there seems to be other limiting factors and its not so black and white. There’s synergy and really I’ve been able to see this with Nmda receptors and opioid receptors among others. All the research and controlled studies aside. My opinion is that I’ve always for instance came completely off after 10 weeks, even fast acting compounds build up, I have done half the amount of time off. So 10 on, 5 off, 12 on 6 off. Early on I did clomid, hcg, cytadren, etc and not really to hold on to the dream of being normal but for some side effects is notice. My favorite ended up being 6 to 8 on 3-4 off. I and others have continued to train hard and gain or look better in that time off because really its still coming out of your system. I believe and I’m guilty too. Is when I’m off some things tend to slack off, it used to be ok no squats until I’m back on, I might not need that last meal. But, when kept everything going especially going from phase 1 to the actual precontest prep, or meet prep when the gear would start to be added like suits halfway up and walkouts, I never felt off at all. I’ve had training partners and myself go an extra week or two until you know your off. It can only help to be completely off IMO. I know people used to laugh but if be on half the year and off almost equal with no real loss in LBM when big, just not as lean or full maybe and pL was little different. A lot of “off drug” time was used for some accessory training or more reps but was good method. Now, in the keeping of honesty my cycles were not 500mg test and 500 deca. There was a time when diminishing results were still results especially in PL. Bbing slightly different. If it took another gram of AAS to get a 2200 total and first VS not taking it and doing 2075 and fifth then the benefit outweighed the risk…stupid in hindsight but I’m sure many can equate that tunnel vision to almost anything. How many worked a job they hated for years at 80 per week, to get the house and the stuff but the wife leaves and now your stuck doing that just to pay support, alimony…for all you newlyweds…i try to do the least work so of course never married and thus never divorced!!! Just remember your wife should always and will look just as beautiful( inside and out) hopefully as today. Kids move on and have own lives…hopefully. That Gal will be the one cleaning the dribble from your chin if your lucky, making sure you get your ensure or still protein shakes for us, and wiping your ass. Hopefully, you will do the same…in between now and then wear your heart on your sleeve and pound the crap out of each other…rnmuscle getting all mushy😿 if u apply 50% to the 65% of jibberish I spew out, you will be big ripped and somewhat happy!