PCT sore nipples help


Well-known member
Whats guys I haven’t posted in a while. I’m off I came off a little while ago I’m now on week two of PCT. I’m running HCG 500 twice a week after I kickstarted it the first shot at 1500. 100 mg clomid and 40 mg of nolvadex daily. Wondering why my nipples are getting sore, should I be running an AI still while on PCT?
No man I was on NPP and Sust. And I actually cruised into that cycle from another cycle but all my bloods were good when I kicked it up
Well npp would cause an increase in progesterone and u need caber to treat that issue,ais and Nolva will be ineffective if this is the case.
So basically I ran the NPP up until 12 weeks and then dropped it. Slowly lowered test down to 200 a week until 16 weeks because I had my vacation with my wife and I didn’t want to be on PCT during it.
Yeah if you weren’t taking your pct meds when you lowered your test, that could have fucked you because your estrogen levels would still be elevated.

That’s the kind of info we need to assist
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Well I was taking AI. But yes the estrogen rebound could definitely happen id imagine. Is this something that commonly happens during PCT? Should I begin aromasin until the soreness goes away and then let my body level it’s self out?
You’re right they do for a kick start reasoning but that’s during the two weeks they are waiting to start PCT some begin HCG right as they are at the end of their cycle.
HCG also can raise estrogen but I was under the understanding that the nolvadex would take care of that as the estrogen issues shouldn’t be noticeable
Also I believe the HCG only gets real estrogenic when you use it mid cycle because the natural test that is produced aromatizes a lot easier
Hcg raises estrogen in certain individuals im one of those individuals you should continue your protcol but use some of your AI to get your estrogen under control. Blood work would be a good idea.
Stop the hcg and take an AI to lower your estrogen im guessing that you used adex and this is the rebound in estrogen after you stopped or your e2 is really high