Pics of everyones home gym

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Staff member
Here’s my home gym. I’ve had this setup for about 10 years or so.

My pulley is an old heavy duty castor with the rubber blasted off. I welded it to a piece of 3x3 thick wall. To the right is a 45 degree back raise i tacked together… it fits over the bottom part of rack. You can see bands chains yoke bar. Out of pic is 2 more olympic bars heavy bag and several crates of more crap. It’s a mess i know but its my gym.


Leaned up against the wall behind the bands is a homemade fat bar with athletic tape grip
My god that’s a beautiful peace of steel I would give my left nut for that setup so if you ever need a testicle im willing to trade

I need to get overhead equipment for my setup
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I really want one. I think I am going to build an accessory for my rack, but I would love the real thing. Might have to wait until I win the lotto, but with my back issues it is a must.
Titan fitness is where I got mine. There are plenty that are much nicer with a bigger price tag. But I can hit 400 on that and it stays smooth. For their price it’s a solid buy.
I should have known everyones home gym would be relatively clean/organized. Hahaha mines a freakn mess. Hahaha
I’m supposed to be with my current employment and I’m good at it but my gym needs a field day for sure!!!
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