Please help me with my first test-e cycle


Hey everyone, I’m thinking of starting my 1st cycle soon. I’m 31 years old, 240+ lb man, I’m partially estimating but I’m roughly 20-22% bf going off of my bf% in the past. My plan for my first cycle is take Test E 250-300mg per week with injections on Monday and Thursday. I plan to have tamoxifen (nolvadex) and hcg as needed. Do you think the hcg and tamoxifen will even be needed at such hcg a low dose? From what I’ve gathered, it seems that at least some of the old school guys wouldn’t take them personally because they’re not very prone to the estrogenic effects and would trickle off the test. I’m thinking of doing an 8 week cycle, but some recommend 16 because of great initial gains while on the 1st cycle. Any and all tips and suggestions to guide me through this will be much appreciated. I’ve never been on a forum of this nature and found this one the hard way, so I apologise in advance if I should’ve done more research. Thanks
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Hey man. First, I would def gonlomget than 8 and do at least 12 for test e. Only way to know if you will need Nolva or an ai isn’t bloodwork but I gotta ask why Nolva vs an ai? For the hcg aids of things that depends if you care about keeping your balls from atrophy and giving yourself a kickstart for pct. I’m assuming you’ll be running a pct right? If you already have the hcg, feel free to run it 250 2x a week or 200 3x a week. It will elevate your e2 tho so another reason to possible run an ai or at least get blood work.

Lastly, and I gotta ask, have you thought about dieting down first closer to the 15% body fat without using gear and then running a cycle?
I was going to run Nolva if needed for any noticeable build-up of estrogen during/post cycle. Nolva, if I remember right, seemed to be less harsh and had less sides. As far as atrophy and pct, isn’t that what the Nolvadex and HCG is for? Maybe I’m mistaken. Concerning my diet, I’ve gradually been eating more strict and working harder in the gym and lifting heavier. Granted I’ve gained some muscle size with my new 5x5 workout plan, but I’m not quite as lean in the mid section either as when I was serving. Even now my gut isn’t that big in comparison to the rest of me, and I still the same size 34 pants as always. My point is I’m basically guessing my bf %. I workout basically everyday i have the chance which is usually 3-4 days a week lifting very heavy (for me), and trying to do about ten minutes of cardio. I’ll just buckle down and get more strict when it comes to cardio.
I almost forgot to mention that I’m having bloodwork done tomorrow
Yeah that’s my bad. I’m still getting used to the terms and to be honest I should be more versed on the entire subject to get optimal results in the safest way.

Does anyone have an opinion on tapering off vs hcg?
@Gastank My personal opinion is that this is a wasted cycle unless you are low T. 250-300mg/wk is barely over a replacement dose. So unless you are low T you are going to be taking just enough test to shut down your own natural production with very little in excess to provide increased benefits. Then you have to go through PCT risking loss of cycle benefits and messing with your endo system waiting for it to recover.

Don’t put your body in a tail spin. Stay natty or reconsider your dosage.

Good luck.
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Got it. That’s basically what a friend just told me. He is suggesting 600mg.
On another note, my friends source offered to order a batch for us. Is $80 for a 10ml vial 300mg per ml a reasonable price? It seems a bit steep but it’s supposed to be pharma grade and he’s ordering it himself. I’m not sure I can mention on here where from
I don’t have any comments about the sourcing or price point. All of our sponsors at UGM are vetted if you are in need of supplies.

I personally have never seen actual pharma grade testosterone produced in a 300mg concentration and I have used a lot of pharma grade testosterone. I am not saying it isn’t out there. I have just never seen it. 😎
I see. That’s really good to know. I really appreciate your input and responsiveness. Do you recommend placing an order with anyone in particular? Also, as of right now I don’t have a prescription and I’m not trying to get into trouble
The pct issue is still in debate in a thread I posted a few days ago… to many people choose nolvadex or clomid over each other.
I had some good friends do some experimenting with adding aromasin and dropping the dosage on the nolvadex ( so it was aromasin, nolva and clomid ) it it helped immensely with the recovery process … I am always astonished by people who ignore the ai’s dismiss the pct and completely misunderstand the role of hcg …
I have to go back and look at the numbers … I know that the aro cuts the novladex dosage in half so instead of 40mg it would be 20mg Clomid would stay the same and I wanna say the aromasin was at 5 or 10mg during pct … and if I recall correctly it was 5mg per day but like I said I have to go back and dig up the numbers