Please help me with my first test-e cycle

I’ve tried aromasin during pct. I couldn’t do it because it just crashed my estrogen which made me feel like shit and hurt my joints and tendons but its because I don’t run high test so my estrogen wasn’t high enough.
I do know guys that always use aromasin or exemestane at 6.25mg throughout there pct its just not for me. It will especially help those that let there estrogen levels go way high during a cycle in pct to help defend against gyno. Nolvadex is not always enough during pct to prevent gyno I believe that its the time you’re the most susceptible to it. Your testosterone levels are zero your estrogen is high and your androgen levels are low which are what keep you a man so onset gyno can occur quickly. So for those that run compounds at levels that create the conditions for gyno aromasin can be a good idea.
Everyone is different listen to your body and your bloodwork
I know this is a late response, but i just thought I would throw it out there. I got my bloodwork results back a couple weeks ago and had my bf percentage checked while I was there. It looks like i over guessed my bf. At that point I was sitting at 17%bf. I started taking 300mg test week and I started seeing small but noticeable results pretty fast. Rounding of shoulders, smaller waist and actually getting a pump in my traps, and that has never happened! All this time doing the same workout routine as before and putting up more weight. I have always pushed myself in the gym so I don’t feel that it’s placebo. As crazy as it sounds, the reason I am taking such a low dose is because I didn’t want the results to be very noticeable to the people around me. I want them to be gradual. Thanks guys
To answer your question, i would run it longer than 8 weeks, and i would use 500mgs at least. Will you be using nolva and hcg both on cycle and PCT?

What are your goals from this cycle?