Possible to change username?

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I thought about changing mine but was to dumb to figure it out.
Your right, and who wants to have to re-establish oneself, but for what it’s worth it woulda been M-203
Was kinda hoping for something abit more anonymous… lol before I really established myself in the community, but I’ll live. It would be a useful feature tho if someone wanted to change their username if it was a simple fix from account settings.
Ha ha are you fucking with me @TBU I already said I couldn’t figure out how, my wife had to change my email on here for me
Maxoutfitness - If my username could be changed to @Bigmurph I’d really appreciate it, apologize for the inconvenience. Need the anonymity for personal reasons, should’ve thought about it more before but I figured I’d be able to change it later no hassle. Anyway my old posts could be deleted or modified with different username?
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