Primo Results and Expectations


Well-known member
What would realistic expectations be when adding primo into a cycle? Are they any advantages of using injectable vs oral other than not affecting the liver?
I’ve read, the oral version passes thru the liver twice, it’s not like other orals, therefore I believe you would need a lot more then injectable version, I haven’t used it before but based off what I’ve read, the injectable is the way to go.
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Primo is a great compound that I have ran multiple times but its not exactly as described there are definitely side effects its not side effect free. I get the worst acne compared to any other compound. I also get hair loss.
The positives though are 400-600 of real primo should be plenty run that out with low test and you will get a very hard defined look the biggest thing with primobolan is your diet you need to feed heavily on protien and it gets expensive.
It should be a longer run around 16-20wks.

The oral version isnt methylated so that very little gets absorbed and you need to take alot each day. The oral version is better for a female to use and the inj a man or female.

Another good thing is the results you keep them you don’t drop 20lbs of water and fat that you gained bulking you end up with 8lbs gained of muscle you keep 8 solid lbs of muscle.
Honestly its really difficult to get oral primo acetate so I wouldn’t recommend them honestly and when purchasing an injectable you don’t want to purchase methenolone acetate. The acetate version would be a great compound but the pain is incredible from the injections
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