SB Labs

Discussion Primo Vs EQ Vs Mast


The opinions for these are so different its seriously annoying.
Ignoring side effects, price and cosmetic effects, which one is the strongest anabolic out of these? Which one will build the most muscle at the same dose?
I know all of 3 of them are not really that strong to begin with, compared to test or tren or whatever but what’s you guys take, or favorite out of these? I’m personally going to go with EQ because it’s safe on my hair. Primo is way better at high dosages but rapes my hair and I’m not ready to go bald yet.
Which one will build the most muscle at the same dose?
I think it depends on the dose lol. I at 300mg EQ. At 500mg probably EQ. At 700 primo might have a shot.

I’m a fan of all three. EQ is probably my favorite. Primo gives me very oily skin. But mast makes my libido sky rocket.
I think it depends on the dose lol. I at 300mg EQ. At 500mg probably EQ. At 700 primo might have a shot.

I’m a fan of all three. EQ is probably my favorite. Primo gives me very oily skin. But mast makes my libido sky rocket.
I love EQ and Mast but I’ve yet to try Primo even though @TG has recommended it many a times.

Mast would be my favorite of the 2 just based on the overall look it gives me. Though I may have to try EQ at a higher dose and see how I do.
I love EQ and Mast but I’ve yet to try Primo even though @TG has recommended it many a times.

Mast would be my favorite of the 2 just based on the overall look it gives me. Though I may have to try EQ at a higher dose and see how I do.
if you can be confident your primo is real it’s a fun ride. One of my best runs was primo/npp/test.