SB Labs

Question about cycle log


Hey everyone! I made a post a while back saying hi and that I had ordered anavar from Pharmacom store, and it has arrived! I plan to begin taking it Monday and want to keep a cycle log for others to reference and for the discount on the future, but I’m not sure exactly how to do it amd what format it should follow. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Hey sister glad to see you around here is where to keep your log we appreciate it.
The more detailed the better

Good luck and good gains sister

Just hit new topic title your log and start going

Even I said brother sorry no disrespect you can call me littlemurph because of it. LOL
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The Var only cycle threw me off at first but mentioning you’re one of our sisters cleared that right up lol.

It’ll be nice to have a Var log to add to the community for our other sisters to reference and learn from. Thank you for that.
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