Questions about new cycle


Hey guys! So first cycle I’m posting. I just went through a sponsor and got dbol, test e, tren ace and aromasin. I also have milk thistle for the liver. I plan on running dbol 50mg a day for 5 weeks and tren ace 50mg eod for 5 weeks and test e 150mg the entire cycle. With 12.5 mg of aromasin every 3 days during dbol at least. Any tips or suggestions for this cycle?
I’d run the tren longer say 6 to 8 weeks and higher say 75mg eod. Why Dbol and not Tbol? And I’d run the test e longer and higher as well ( 200mg for at least 10 weeks). But I tend to go hard.
Why are you running tren and Dbol at same time, is there something specific your looking to get out of it by running them at the same time?
For a first cycle, the dbol and test should be good enough.
I’d recommend…
Weeks 1-12
Test E - 500mgs, split dosages
Weeks 1-5
Dbol - 50mgs, split dosages
Do the standard nolva/clomid PCT.
Keep it nice and simple first time around. And, it’s a time tested, proven cycle. You have plenty of time for tren, deca and others.
Okay you know i was thinking about that. I proly will just run dbol. I’m on trt so do i still need to do a pct? To my understanding its not really necessary
Ok that to me,sounds better, tren is great and I feel other things are a waste sometimes while running it
One more question while I’m running 50mg of dbol a day I’m running 500mg of test e a week. When I switch to 75mg eod of tren ace should I lower the test e to 250mg a week or keep the test at 500mg?