Questions before first cycle


Active member
Hey everyone.

So I am extremely close to starting my first cycle but after reading up even more just now, I am so conflicted because I want to do this right.

Just some info:
23 years old
155 lbs, about 13% BF
Lifting for about 3.5-4 years

I will be doing Test E only and will be front loading it.

Week 1: 1g Test E (500mg Monday & 500mg Thursday)
Week 2-10: 500mg/week (250mg Monday & Thursday)
Week 1-10: Arimidex .25mg EOD
Week 12-14: Nolva 40/40/20/20

My question is, do you guys think I’ll be needing to run AI on this cycle? I really just don’t want to crash my E2 too much and feel the side effects… also, I’ve been reading up on Arimidex vs Aromasin and it seems like the general concencus is Aromasin seems to work so much better… and then there is also Proviron. Can anyone please shed some light on some of these topics, or maybe have some tips and pointers for me to have the most successful first cycle that I can have?

I am so sorry if I keep bombarding you guys with questions, but I really do appreciate all the help that you guys give me. Thank you!
You could always run it and see if you don’t mind risking gyno. And if you feel sensitive nips or itching jump on it. Nobody on here can tell you for sure if you should or not. If they say they can they’re lying haha. Everyone bidybis different and the only way to know is get bloods. Either run it, and get bloods at 4 weeks or do t run it and get bloods. Either way there is a risk.

Personally just for me I absolutely need it at 500mg and that dose of ai would do me right.
Thank you for the response bro, you’ve been very very helpful with everything.

I read somewhere that if you are running Proviron then AI wouldn’t be needed. Speaking for your own body when running AAs, do you think this is correct?
I am not side sensitive what so ever. In fact, I have only had to ever use more than .5mg arimidex twice a week one time but personally I would not substitute a dedicated aromatase inhibitor with proviron.

Without providing lab work proof I can’t say how effective proviron is at reducing the amount of active estrogen as compared to a dedicated AI so my above experience is just my personal opinion.

Hey not that it matters but are you 23 or 25. Based on your previous post I am not sure of your age. Just curious.
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BTW if this is your first cycle I wouldn’t front load a gram of test. You only weigh a buck 55 brother and that’s a huge bite of testosterone for any man. You have no idea how your body will respond!
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I totally meant to type that and forgot lol good catch. I’d keep it simple your first run and front load on your second if you want.
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Thanks for the heads up guys.

Was pretty damn close to pinning 1.7 mL of this shit into me right now because everything I’ve read has been saying to front load, but you are 100% correct, I’ll keep it simple and stick to the 500mg/wk throughout.

I will also be ordering Proviron from IJL to take along with this cycle at 50mg ED, with the .25 adex EOD.
I feel I’m going to have to make s post on steroid use. Guys quit reading everything on the internet and believing. Find a guy at the gym that knows what he’s doing and listen to him. There is so much wrong information out there and I see all these young new people following these crazy routines.

@CantStopWontStop bro you’re young you have plenty of test in your body if you’re going to do this (which I’m sure you will) start low does 250mg a week is all you need and you will see it work. Are anti estrogen on hand in case you feel your nips getting sore or lumps. Don’t freak it will go away. You’re not going to get gyno. It takes way more than that to get it and its Not going to happen over night. Stick with basics don’t follow this bro science I’m seeing lately which I’m going to make a post about. So nobody get your panties in a wad and mad at ole phd lol. Time to start educating people correctly and no more of this copy paste stuff I’m seeing about gear and weight of esters. You guys aren’t cooks who gives a shit about the weight of an ester.

Ok I’m ranting lol. @Fitraver @TG @SemperFi @Bigmurph. Sorry guys I’m going to have to post about all this. Remember KISS!!! Lol
@PHD Jordan Peters would agree with you. I saw a YouTube video where he says start at 300 first cycle, then 400, then 500 then 600 only test as your first 4 cycles. Then add in another compound. In a perfect world that’s how it should be done he said. It’s just nobody has the patience to do that. If I was 23 and starting over I’d totally do that get the most from the least and still see amazing gains.
PHD said:
So nobody get your panties in a wad and mad at ole phd lol.
You can’t tell me what to do @PHD and I don’t wear panties… Commando all the way.

By the way I personally look forward to reading more from your experience and perspective. 😜
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😂😂😂😂😂😂😂:+1:t2: marines lol m two closest friends are marines. One is normal the other is crazy as fuck. Lol
At 23 Im just glad to see that your smart enough to get on here and ask questions rather than just doing something stupid, like listening to some other 20 something year old at the gym!
We like questions and helping

I would actually not frontload but it really is a personal choice but first cycle I would skip it.

The AI all depends on blood work you really don’t know if you need it unless blood work shows raised estrogen levels. Some people don’t need an AI on cycle at 500mg some can’t take 200mg without one everyone is truly different.

Proviron I love and would be the only thing I would add to a first cycle. It can help with estrogen and will free up testosterone so that you can get more out of the 500mgs a wk.

Adex compared to aromasin is also a personal preference. Adex has a rebound but is better at not crashing your estrogen. I personally use aromasin because I can use it when it becomes needed and bring down my estrogen levels fast. It does happen where you can crash your estrogen because aromasin is a strong AI.
I look at it like this adex is better at controlling estrogen.
Aromasin is better at crushing estrogen.
Letrozole can really crush your estrogen but it takes time to build up in your system.
I was referring to someone else talking about ester weight. I think it as you lol.