Quick info regarding OneQ GH


Staff member
Hey guys so just wanted to make a quick post about @OneQ . I usually dont discuss whose products I run and why on here but I’ve seen some questions and I’ve had people ask me directly about them. Now, Ive taken every type of GH from China (I dont give a shit what top colors are- they can put a different color top on anything). I’ve also used straight pharma GH (Saizen) purchased straight from the pharmacy.

OneQ premixed GH is what I use. The difference in OneQs formula vs China brands is the usage of the strain. OneQ uses a strain that provides 100% biological activity and puts them above China and others using the e coli strain that only provides 50%-90% biological activity.

So on to the bloodwork. Keep in mind different labs will have different tests and ranges. These are same lab but one was a pdf printout before they went to online results. The results tho were OneQ GH comes in nearly 3 times higher then China.


The reference range was .003 - .971 for normal. OneQ came in at 8.444

Now heres the China GH


Same reference range but only came in at 2.945. Still higher then the norm range but not anything special.

So you can see theres a big difference and the reason I’ll continue to use @OneQ . His packaging and product are top notch and he knows his shit when it comes to growth hormone. This is all they focus on and it shows in their quality.

Now OneQ has a new strain on long gh that looks really promising. Its new and the bloodwork from people hes got testing it is coming back really good. One pin per 5 days sounds a lot better then daily pins. Im looking forward to trying that out as well soon. Hes got a thread going in the promo section right now so check it out if you havent.


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Thanks for the info , I’ve been running several brands but I’m intrigued with this & wanna hop on ASAP! Does anyone know about or able to review their other color specific, wet product?
I have used there stuff for 6 months. My goodness, there is no comparison with other ug labs. It is the closes to pharmaceutical grade you will ever get. One golden rule of life, when a person is honest it reflects on there product. That’s how I see ONEQ team.

Thank you so much oneq and thanks for the valuable info TG
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I hope to see this regularly updated. I’m really interested in this.
I’m running Chinese HGH, you’ve seen the #'s. 5.34
But this solution actually seems to be more cost effective with higher quality HGH…
TG…I’m curious and have a couple questions. (Still gleaning and learning bro and probably will be for a long time lol)
Regarding OneQ blue premix compared to any powdered that needs reconstituted.
From what I’ve learned so far…
Once the powdered is reconstituted it has to be kept in the fridge or it’s shelf life is very short (even in the fridge) In addition during the reconstitutting process and after reconstituted it is not to be shaken or that will damage it.

With the OneQ blue premix and the long shipping time not refrigerated to reach the states wouldn’t that be a problem? I’ve heard it can take 2 weeks or more to get here.
And obviously all those days traveling even if bubble wrapped or the best of packing it’s going to get the shit shaken out of it…wouldn’t that damage it?
Mine has never been damaged. The blood work reflects that. My last package was held up longer then usual and still arrived cool in the package. Its going to depend on where you are at. Contact @OneQ and he can answer any more direct questions related to that.
They actually shutdown shipping during the summer to most areas if they believe that they can’t get you a quality product they won’t even send it to begin with these guys have always been incredibly honest and extremely reliable.
There actually in a position where they could soon become a gold verified sponsor.
I would definitely talk to someone at OneQ about the concern and they will let you know for sure which product is the best for your concerns.
Thanks for the info guys! I’m not worried per say just my curious mind at work trying to understand everything and make educated decisions based on all the knowledge and experience you guys have

We ship in special box with ice element + liquid GH very stable
Blue - 2 years at 2-8°C (35-46°F) ~30 days with max temp 35°C (95°F) Shock temp. >43°C (110°F) and <51°C (125°F) ~2-5 days
Few times we shipped in USA deserts where temp was like 120°F and product were not damaged