Roid test interest... sponsor needs to play


Well-known member
Any moderator can correct me if wrong post, but what I’m thinking is…
Above and beyond at all cost if a sponsor is claiming the gear is g2g I shouldn’t have to spend the extra money to verify that the product is “valid” , if a sponsor is vetted through this process to be allowed on UGM why shouldn’t they be responsible for posting roid test results? Granted each batch is different but if I need to spend an extra 25, 50, 100 $$$ to verify that a sponsor on ugm is legit im better off shooting the shit with Joe schmoe down the street. Correct me if I’m wrong…
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Moved to the Sponsor section as it is clearly sponsor related.

Please spend an extra few seconds to post in the closest related section in the forum. If each member spent a few extra seconds In this matter it would save the administration several man hours a month that could be put to better use.

As I have stated on several occasions if you are ever in doubt contact me before making the post and I would be more than happy to assist.
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The best testing is when it is random and the sponsor doesn’t know. Not to say a sponsor posting his own wouldn’t be nice, but it didn’t hold much weight compared to random testing on an actual vial in someone’s possession who 100% knows what’s in it and what it labeled like.
So an example would be (no pun intended) bold cyp or EQ cyp, as we have discussed it clearly would be a waste of money to verify that it was that product! Because it I would purchase a roid test and clearly post the wrong results based on what a sponsor is selling?
I don’t follow what you’re asking I doubt roidtest has one that is for bold cyp specific. I am not sure if using the eq one would work for that or not. But let’s not even bring that up. I don’t wanna even hear those words lol.

All I am saying is a sponsor testing doesn’t hold near as much weight as a random person who they don’t know would be testing. That’s the true best method.

Now a sponsor doing it themself on their own raws to help themselves out ahead of time is awesome. And if they do sure post em up. Better than nothing. Just not as good as a random member doing it. Surely you can see why.
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Well since it’s moved to the sponsor category any sponsor willing to chime in and add a roid test to the product you stand behind?
@Fitraver when i read this i was not under the assumption that the sponsor would test their own products and post results. One that wouldn’t be right as they could fudge their results.

I thought that maybe when an end consumer purchases from the sponsor that the sponsor send a sealed test with their shipment.

This way the end consumer can test the product whenever they choose to and can then post the results.
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If a sponsor wants to test they can. However to send a kit with every order they would have to increase the price and more people would complain about the price increase.

Random tests as fit mentioned is the best way. Mistakes can be made from the sponsor and raw suppliers unintentionally.
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I’ll throw my two cents in here. As it stands there are almost a dozen sources on this board. Each with their own price structure, and item list. For us to test our raws before brewing, makes sense, however the only person who can take those results and truly believe them is the source. Since the end consumer would think that we were posting bogus results to gain clientele. If an end user wants to test, that’s the best scenario because the source has no prior knowledge of the end users intention to test the gear, so the results are believable by both parties. For a source to send test kits with gear would be an incredible expense especially for the ones doing large volume orders. Just my opinion 👍
Send test kits with gear 😂😂😂 I’m sorry that’s just funny. I can see my normal guy (not board sponsor). Hey bro I’m going to need you to throw a test kit in with this order lol.

@Anvillabs nailed it only they will be able to test their products and people believe them. It’s the buyers responsibility to do his homework and make sure what he’s using is real and legit.

Juice is a crooked game lots of fake people brewing and saying their shit is the best. Too many frauds. Yep I’ve been taken over the years and I’m sure it will happen again. The sad part is is that juice brings in some of the most low life people I’ve ever met or dealt with. Hell street drugs are less counterfeit than juice. Bottom line @josh this isn’t Walmart. Yea we hold them to a standard but at the end of the day it’s stikk just an honor system.

I’m going to have @SemperFi send you a double decker pack of crayons bro lol you and @Fitraver can share and color together lol