SB Labs

Santa stopped by late,gave me this

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Military Vet


…38 Harrington and Richardson. I also have a really old 12ga pump from them. It has a bunch of tiny specks of rust,I’m gonna give it a good cleaning,the hammer is internal,it’s a 5 shot,got good weight to it.we are goin to be purchasing a .40 cal Sig soon.Im excited about that.
Yeah,this is how it went down,this morning my dad shows with a truck load of his stuff to move in with, pulls out the gun,says,I found this while doin some packing,I was like,how do you randomly find a 38 in stuff? He’s not into hand guns,doesn’t own any…wtf
Hahah. That use to be when going out with friends but not hand guns. Greenwood oils just reachin coat pocket and be like damn didn’t remember getting this we’ll time for fun boys
I have a whole bunch of .223, but no AR… about to remedy that, high powers just became legal in Iowa for Deer, but they have to be straight wall jacket… sooooooo, I’ll be building a .450 bushmaster for hunting with as well as a 5.56/.223, for having fun and home protection with
I wouldn’t mind gettin a version of a m-16 I use to shoot,although after the .40 Sig,my next gun on the list will be a semi auto
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