Second Cycle Advice (7months to get as swole as possible)

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Hello again brethren. As of right now I am still working hard in the gym. But luckily for me, I have completed all of my requirements for my graduate degree, and now I have 7 months of online electives. I plan on using that time to get as swole as possible, but to be more specific I am really looking to body recomp while continuing to make strength gains.

I completed my first cycle of test 500mg weekly a couple of months ago, and I have also completed 4 weeks of PCT. I am now looking at possibly adding NPP vs DECA… Also planning on adding an oral to help boost in the beginning, after reading that the nandrolones can take a couple of weeks to start really kicking in. I have used anavar previously with good results, but considering my goals of strength with body recomp, would dbol this time around be a better choice?

So far my plan was to do a 20 week cycle

Weeks 1-20
600mg Test split between Mon and Thurs
600mg NPP split MWF (I have read every other day, but would love clarification/correction)

Weeks 1-4
Dbol or Anavar 50mg split morning and pre-workout every day

Anastrazole 0.5mg prophylactically starting week 2 (may just take as needed)

Hopefully this is a solid plan and please any feedback or corrections would be great. Once again thanks everyone for your knowledge and support
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Looks good bro the Dbol is probably going to give you the gains your looking for as anavar is a pretty moderate AAS and will give you more of a clean dry look. At least that’s my understanding and experience
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Make sure you have some prolactin control on hand.

I would recommend EOD pinning of NPP.

I don’t think you need 600 of NPP, most say they need test higher than nandrolone.

600 of test, and dbol will lead to some high estrogen potentially. Have some extra nolva on hand for gyno symptoms.

19nors are a big jump on second cycle. NPP will have your natural test shut down from the first dose. Extend your test use for 4-5 weeks after your last NPP pin before you pct.

Also May want to look into HCG, that’s a long cycle.
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I agree with @NeuroRN. I’ve used dbol. It will definitely kickstart your run. 2/1 for test and npp until you know how your body likes it. Looking forward to see how you make out
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Thanks for all the advice

I think based on what you guys have mentioned. I’m gonna dial back the npp to 600 and shorten the cycle to 16 weeks.

600 test c E3.5D weeks 1-16
300 NPP EOD weeks 1-12
Dbol 50mg weeks 1-4

And then HCG 250iu EOD throughout cycle I’m hearing too
Superdrol is strong as fuck. I think after this bulk. I’m going to run a Test, Eq, Tren, and Anavar cycle.
I saw a post a while back from murph on npp. I think it was something like start 50mg 3x a week. If good then bump to 100 3x. If still good then 150 3x if preferred

Seems sensible and with the short ester is easy to bump up as needed I would think
That looks a lot better brother. The Hcg you can run 250iu twice a week. My last cycle was 25 weeks. I ran Hcg the last 10 weeks at 500iu twice a week. Kind of depends on your cycle.
With dbol start with 25 for a week if there’s no issue go to 50. 25 pwo then 25 some time later. I’m running similar cycle now but I went with deca. Dbol I used for 5 weeks. Enjoy
Im going to say that second cycle without stats you should use testosterone e or c prefer e and then add in proviron 50mg ed and then a oral you don’t even need all that I believe that your diet is what will get the growth your looking for the reason I don’t think that you should go with nandrolone is because of the strong shutdown from a nor19 I believe that you can easily build 8-10lbs of muscle with just testosterone.

Use your AI after getting blood work if you even need it your estrogen should be a little high but not way out of range and if you need to control your estrogen then start adex.

Plan a normal pct with just testosterone.
Thanks everyone for their input.

For clarification, I still have 50 tabs each of clomid 50 and nolvadex 20. And anastrazole on hand as well from my previous cycle.

Also my understanding of NPP is that of the two nandrolones, NPP has the heavier ester therefore it has a quicker onset and quicker "off"set. So concerning a shutdown, NPP is less pronounced. And also that you get less water retention with NPP compared to deca.

I should also have been more clear about my goals. I am mostly looking to lean out while increasing strength. As far as leaning out I understand that its 90% diet and discipline.

I should explain that this being my last year of medical school, I was really looking to get in the best shape, lean and strong as I could, before the perils of residency and less time. Hence, the desire to try out NPP for a second cycle.

As for stats I’m currently at

Neck 16.5in
Waist 36in
Chest 44in
Weight 215lbs
All of these a little bit smaller from being on cycle

265 for 4reps (down from end of cycle and PCT, but stable)
325 for 3 (still increasing after cycle and PCT)
370 for 4 (still increasing after cycle and PCT)

Again thanks to all for your input!!! I always learn a ton from everyone
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