Second time anadrol use not as strong as the first


I can remember my first cycle was just a basic Test 400 and Anadrol, I can remember the first time running anadrol I was stronger everytime I went to the gym , also I would take it about an hour before workout and I would get Insane pumps and could not work out enough ,I haven’t found a pre work out to suit my needs so the anadrol was like gold.The second time I ran anadrol here recently I’m not feeling it like the first time , it’s not giving me that energy in the gym like before , I’m not getting that pump and I don’t feel stronger , I’ve even tried doubling my dose a few times before the gym and still nothing , it came from a reliable sponsor , what is the deal did my body really build a tolerance that fast over a year ago for that short 4 weeks I was on it , im confused
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I can tell you that your body did NOT build up a tolerance to anadrol from your first cycle that carried over to your second use of anadrol. But even that is a bit misleading depending how long you have been on cycle, how long you were off cycle, are you blasting and cruising, receptor sensitivity or insensitivity, etc.

Without more history there are to many variables @Easley92 that I can’t even begin to help you on this one.
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I was on cycle for 10 weeks then I was off well over 20 weeks with no synthetic test entering my body of any sort the only thing different is the sources and the first time I was taking 1 50mg cap daily and now I’m taking 2 25mg caps daily but that should not make a difference and i damn sure didn’t think I built up a tolerance especially with that much off time in between
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Well that’s prob your problem different source different potency and other variables. Also max time to run abom is 6 weeks bro. Be careful running those that long. Asking for kidney and liver issues
Yes I keep the anadrol down to 4 weeks , 5 is pushing it , I didn’t mean I took the anadrol for 10 weeks , guess I should have been more clear I was on cycle for a total if 10-12 weeks but I only took the anadrol for 4 of those weeks as a kickstarter
My second experience with the drol that wasn’t so good was from a source from ug muscle , The source even sent me another pack but the results stayed the same, like I said my first experience with drol was awesome I experienced some of my best, most intense workouts at that time,but I lost contact with that source and stumbled across a new source at ug muscle and the results were just not there
The product tested positive for anadrol
I believe that the anadrol originally taken was a better product than possibly the anadrol that was in question but it was real.
The product I was referring to in this post that I received was never officially tested, what tested positive? I never did a test on the ones I received but I think they are wayyyyyy under dosed if anadrol , I took 4 as a pre work out like I’ve done in the past and didn’t get anything from it so the following day I took 6 and it felt like I took 25mg , I should have had the best work out ever for 150mg of anadrol but I wasn’t feeling it at all ,couldn’t wait til it was over actually 😂😂
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