Since people are talking blast,When it’s time to say it’s done with blasting

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Staff member
Well. I have a feeling it’s time to stop the “blast phase” of my TRT. This last attempt pretty much signaled the end for me. So I will be staying on TRT only. Started a blast here about 2 months ago and a lot of things happened that usually weren’t going on. Elevated BP, RBC and hemocrit levels highly elevated. No sleep, headaches, just feeling like shit and sex drive/ED was bad even with Blue pills. Like non existent. I stopped. Things took about 2 weeks to get back to normal and I am feeling more like myself. Just too many issues to deal with, and I just don’t feel “motivated” as I do now back on my TRT. So it’s time for me to stop the young man’s game and look towards a more normal test level. Plus I just am tired of blood work and not knowing what’s going on. So I am done.
What was I doing?
600mg testC a week split Monday/Thursday
300mg NPP a week pinning Monday Wednesday Friday
Dbol as a kicker 50mg a day
Provirion 50mg daily
None of these are new to me, but I just think it’s time to stop. At least the blast phase. Maybe give it a couple years and see what happens. I can tell you this. I’ve felt great the last month on TRT only.
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Good stuff. I’m in the same boat. Sometimes I wonder why I ever wander above trt or “add” in anything.

Who would have thunk it… 30 years ago… feeling good…what! I feel good every day… now…we got to search for it.

I understand everything you posted perfectly.
Mr @TBU has brought up a good point. I know a lot of you younger folks don’t understand the phrase “feeling good” and that’s a good thing. You shouldn’t. when you get on up there, it’ll all become clear.
This youngin knows what feelin good is,doin ecstasy feels fuckin great let me tell you,or killin Hajis,two things which I’ll probably never do again.
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