Skinny male with fat legs, hEDS


New member
I’m here cuz i need help with choosing a right workout program, that i 've three main problems:
1- I’m 64 kg, 184cm, with a skinny upper body, and fat legs.
2- I 've ehlers danlos syndrome (hypermobile type) (hEDS), which makes issues through all joints and muscles, my shoulders have a greater complications, which makes me very limited in whights and moves in my workout.
3- I 've no budget for any kind of supplements.

So what should i do ?
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Your going to need to learn how to adjust your training. Never going full extension and I would always use wraps. Maybe keep the range of motion in 3/4 areas.

Focus diet on whole foods and I would focus on meats and fats. Cut carbs.

Going back to workout would really need to see how your moving thru ranges of motion and what’s complicated or what’s not.
Welcome to ugmuscle brother

You should do what you can to be honest. I don’t know much about your condition so its hard for me to advise. When I have injuries I do my best to work around them. Try to find what works for you and do what you can. Work on your diet, nutrition is key in any athletic goal.
Good luck and good gains brother