Sponsored Logs With Free “Stuff”

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Staff member
I’ve just done a little surfing through the site of some of our recent logs that have been sponsored.

I can’t find one that has been kept up reasonably well. “Reasonably” meaning 2 or 3 days a week for the agreed upon amount of time…length of cycle with a closing synopsis of the individual’s experience/take away.

Someone please point one out in the last 12 months. There’s every possibility that I missed it.
There has been issues in the past with this, like mentioned above. One of us “calls out the newer member” and they get offended and leave.

This happens to flash in particular bc he usually requires that you haven’t used his product in order to get freebies.
anabolic_geek said:
we should have a rule to protect board sponsors…
Completely agree but I guess that’s up to the head honcho.

Have the member foot the bill up front and get $$$ retured at the end of the project if satisfactory.
Or just straight up if you complete less than 5 log posts a week for 12 weeks (or cycle length) you can’t order from me. That’s what I would do if I gave someone a free cycle and then they just didn’t do anything with it in terms of promotion or honest review.
This is why I’ve never stuck my hand out for the free stuff . I have to little girls, work 7 days a week, still hit the gym and run my stuff but I don’t have time for logging only in my head lol . If the sponsor asked for a certain dedicated person and logs then they need to do it . If you can’t then you shouldn’t be in this lifestyle ! I agrees with neuroRN if they take it and don’t follow there end of the bargain the sponsor should cut them off and also they should be known on here as one of the people trying to basically scam for free stuff ! No bueno 😂
I think I’ve received one free bottle of test cyp from flash couple yrs back when he asked who’s never tried his products and I’ve been a flash soldier running flash ever since then !
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I got free stuff once from optum pharma and i kept telling dude im not running that much gear you need to pick someone else. I forget how much he wanted me to run but it was by the gram. Hell John said id be big if i survived it lol
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