Spring Cut, Primo, and Dosage Recommendation

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Lmao! Are we married to the same woman?? Do you owe me some child support??

She did crew for years in college and all that crap that rowers do, but didn’t get hard core into lifting until about 7 years ago. Guess some it comes more natural to.

Only down side that slowed her was her Test tanked about 2 years ago and of course all doctors thought it was her thyroid. Had an EX OB/Gyn now turned hormone doctor test her for hormones and her Test came back at 2 twice to be sure. That’s like zero test production.
Good for her! Glad she’s enjoying it and found her niche. Took me many years before I started lifting versus just running.
I do now! Don’t know where that euphoric feeling came from in the past, because I can’t stand it now.
I don’t run unless it’s from something. I accidentally joined a 5k once casue I was high and where I lived if people are running you dint ask you juat follow
Oh she’s not tough at all just has beach muscles. Lol
Funny though on vacation last week. Anywhere we go, on the beach, at a restaurant guys break their necks looking at her then they look at me and I just shake my head. Lol
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