@SRx 112mg/wk, test at 696


Well-known member
Ive been using @SRx gear for a year now. I primarily cruise on a TRT dose: 16mg subq daily with a 29g slin pin. Also 100ius Hcg daily.

I’ve used their adex, nolva, t3, proviron, superdrol and winstrol as far as orals. Injectable dbol, and mast p for little blasts here and there. Everything has always been good to go. I use these at very conservative doses and they are dosed accurately.

Without further ado here’s my blood work , my first post on this board! Taken fasting, ~24 hours since last injection so these are trough levels.

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Looks like you might need to donate blood my friend. High hematocrit. High ast might be orals if you’re running any. I’ll let the pros weigh in but those were the two things I noticed. Btw welcome to the board brother.
I’m no pro but @Trollus is right. Donating blood regularly is almost essential while cycling. Gets everything back down to normal. I’ve been doing it for decades. I always feel better afterwards. Glad to see you’re getting your PSA checked also. Woman get regular mammograms…guys need to keep track of prostrate.
Donate blood. Take baby aspirin every day plenty of fluids. Stay consistent on blood donations. You can’t just do it once and think it’s good. I donate every 2 months to keep blood levels :+1:t3:
@TBU we’re on the exact same blood protocol. I’ve been taking 2 aspirins lately. There’s a study I read somewhere that says above 200lbs bw should take 2. We’ll see.
Wow thanks for all the helpful responses. I’ve looked into donating blood, even self phlebotomy out of interest. I’ve also heard conflicting reports on when/if to donate. I’m doing some things to try to bring it down before I start getting blood drawn. Thanks for the comments it’s really helpful. I will for sure try the aspirin for a bit til my next bloods.
I’m 255 and only take one. It’s worked for me. But I’m curious on 2 a day. If you do it I would be interested in your blood work after a couple months. 😉
I went and donated blood the other day for the first time and they said my iron was at 14.6, they said thats really good not to thick. I didn’t realize how fast it was going to be. I filled the bad in like 4 minutes and 30 seconds. Lol
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Lol I was surprised it wasn’t thicker I’ve been on cycle for a little over a month. They said if it was about 17 or 18 they couldn’t use the blood.
@TBU I will keep you posted. I just had a tune up on my knee a couple of months ago and the surgeon prescribed me aspirin (whatever prescription aspirin is) and had me taking it twice a day for clots. I inquired about 2 @ day. He said it wouldn’t hurt for bigger guys. I walk around lately between 200-210 so you definitely are one. I also just donated blood (every 2 months also). I’m due a blood test in a month or so. Between donating and 2 @ day aspirin I feel great…noticeably. My bp has been perfect.