Stenbolone and dihydroboldenone

I agree actually. I’m not sure where I started. But I was in the middle of that deficit for the naps competition when our last contract ended. So I probably put on 10ish lbs.

I do think I added some muscle.

I feel good! Ready to get back to work. It was definitely a good move taking a break before starting this contract.
Welcome back to the grind! I have to say, I’m jealous you look SO FUCKING GREAT after eating what you want and being on vacation for FIVE FUCKING WEEKS! If I did that, I would look like a flabby old POS. You have some seriously great genetics, my friend. Jelly, jelly, jelly!

Seriously, glad you had a good vacation, and don’t let the 12 on/12 off get to you.
What’s the off thing. I better find somebody to work my bday or I will have worked 23/24 days with all but one being 12
Thanks buddy! I do have some good genetics, for which I am very thankful. My parents are knocking on 70 and healthy as can be. Dad is 68 and still looks like a silverback.

I’m glad to be back at it! Was a good break but ready to be back flexing the brain.

First shift back was a fun one, 10 units of blood products, 2 emergent CT scans, and we pulled him through the night. I do love winning!
I’m grateful folks like you are there for folks like me although I hope I don’t ever see folks like you in other than social settings.
Haha I hope the only time i see you is when I’m driving through your state some day! I’m not fighting with your old man strength when you go finally lose all your marbles.