Steroids and fertility question


Staff member
Hey guys. For those of you that have conceived on cycle, what exactly were you on at the time? Including any nolvadex, letrozole, or clomid at the time. I’m justing seeing a common pattern among bodybuilders that concieved on cycle and interested in this a bit.
Curious what pattern this is you speak of. I noticed when I was in the Corps that it was almost certain that you would have a girl if you got your girl pregnant post deployment. It was insane. I also experienced that. I got my woman pregnant right after getting back from combat deployments and both times we had a girl. Fast forward another 2 years with no deployement and I got her pregnant a 3rd time and we had a boy. Almost every fertility doc I talked to thought that the high levels of testosterone and chemical releases of the brain for extended periods of time may have something to do with a more likely outcome of having a girl but it was just a discussion in theory based on the findings of guys on base.
I’m noticing Masteron, proviron, letro, clomid and nolvadex. All of them but Masteron which hasn’t been studied already are used for fertility.

I was reading up on old posts on other forums where guys have put their cycles out that they were on when getting their gf or wife pregnant and in some extreme cases where there are take several grams of drugs 3+grams and Masteron seems to always be in the cycle.
For pct yeah but ive never heard anyone using hmg full cycle. Hcg I have heard a few people running thru cycle.
In 1 guys case he was thinking he was shutdown and on a gram of test. Gram of tren e. And gram of mast. Then during the cycle Midway wife gets pregnant.
Interesting stuff there. I think I’m more amazed that guys are handling 1g of Tren and 1g of Mast lol. That’s just excessive lol. I would think though that even if you’re “shut down” you are still producing sperm. Sure the overall numbers in regular production is lower and the quality of sperm being produced is hindered but it still only takes 1 good swimmer. I guess I’m confused on the 2 things I’ve seen come up recently and that’s 1 that you need your natural production to get a woman pregnant and 2 that guys think they can’t get a woman pregnant while using AAS. It just doesn’t make sense to think that. You still produce sperm in any case and you still ejaculate sperm. Quality and volume produced may be hindered but it doesn’t cease entirely.
The problem is that sperm produced on cycle are usually dead when shutdown. Now sperm can live on while taking test but it still needs to be produced and exit the cell. That’s what the doc was telling me about. The amount of steroids also affect it. In cases they give low test at 100mg a week or less to increase your natural production or proviron. Now in my case I was normal and given 100mg a week by body almost shut down again on that low a dose.

What I’m thinking is possible in some cases is when guys are on a cycle that would normally shut them down they are still actively producing due to the amount of other Steroids taken with the cycle for other reasons. There’s already a study of a guy on cycle taking proviron and not shutting down at all while on proviron. But shutting down when not on proviron and on same cycle.
Thats pretty interesting stuff man. So you are saying that utilizing certain steroids on cycle can or possibly does help to keep the sperm from dying and or creates a better environment for fertility?
I think so cause there’s already the proviron study. Masteron of course is banned in most places so we won’t ever see actual studies on it. When I’m ready to go back on a serious cycle I will test the theory and run mast alone high ans check. I already know from all my tests where my sperm is at.
I had a vasectomy years ago so i wouldn’t be much help but I’m interested to learn more to help other guys in the future. On the Mast note, I know it’s still being used medically for breast cancer patients as I’ve known 2 women in the last few years that were given the option to try it and they declined because … “steroids are bad” and they went through the chemo processes instead smh. I really wish that media and governments didn’t make steroids so taboo that people were afraid to try them in medical settings.