Sust Tren Cycle Question

I have been back and forth on the topic of test/tren cycles and the best dosing protocols. I have always run my Test lower than my Tren mainly because I’ve heard of so many guys developing more sides with higher Test. That doesn’t mean I’m not going to try high Test, low Tren on my next blast though lol.

As for Sust having multiple esters to work with, I would imagine the combination to be a lot more user friendly than your standard Enanth or Cyp with higher doses and Tren.

If you’ve never used Tren before, especially Tren E, I think 400mg is just too high to start with. I rarely run higher than 300mg of any Tren myself. I just don’t see it as necessary. If you have used it, then you know how your body will react so you may be ok with 400.

I do highly advise running your Sust a few weeks longer than the Tren so I’d plan to stay on the Sust for 12 weeks as the Tren will shut you down hard and the longest ester of you Sust won’t be enough to maintain Test levels.

Lastly, as I’ve been repeating this more often over here, I recommend switching your Arimadex to Aromasin while running any 19nor due to the fact that Arimadex has some pretty harsh and adverse effects on lipids and compounding that effect with a 19nor that is even worse on lipid profiles isn’t a very good idea.
I’d also like to add that though my opinion is research based and expirament based on myself …

The late, great Rich Piana said “The only way to really know is to expirament for yourself.”
I’ve never ran a full cycle of Tren… I’ll probably run the Tren E @ 200mg/week & Sust @ 500mg/Week
& switch the arimidex to aromasin. What should my caber dosage look like?
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How long have you run it in the past? I think you will be fine around 250 to 300 Tren. I usually run my Caber at .25mg 2x a week. The same days I pin if I’m running 300mg.
Yikes lol. So I’m guessing about 5 weeks then if you were running 400mg. I have never run Tren longer than maybe 5 or 6 weeks myself. Ace or E. Not for anger or anything but because the insomnia it causes me is unreal. I already have insomnia and it just compounds it. I experience some other mental sides as well but its the insomnia that gets me. Otherwise I would run it for longer.
Think runing both nolva & Clomid together during PCT is overkill?
Wanted to run HCG possibly with PCT but dont want the high estro
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My thoughts on sustanon have always been it needs to be run at 750mg or higher because of the way that they put it together.
I personally don’t even like sustanon as a bodybuilding testosterone. To much going on with your hormones its like a roller coaster ride but I will admit sustanon decca dbol is probably the best bulking cycle there ever will be.
This is a fun question lol. I’ve beat this one to death too but you’ll have to do some research to decide.

Both Nolvadex and Clomid are SERMS (selective estrogen receptor modulator) and they both for the most part do the same thing in the same fashion. I find it pointless to run both and through research and experimentation I have found Nolvadex to be superior.

You can run Nolvadex cascading 40/40/20/20/10 on it’s own. You can start the HCG right after cycle but I recommend starting about 10 days after your last pin Then run 1000iu a week for 4 weeks. Stay on your AI while using it and while the Sust clears.
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That’s the best way and how it was set up.
I just don’t like waiting for it to keep getting stronger and stronger and than until it finally clears your system after 4-6wks lol
What works for me is adding some extra Test P in the beginning to shorten the wait. Nothing crazy though, I would usually just add 25mgs of prop to a 250mg pin of Sust.