Sust Tren Cycle Question

I like Ace of E for Tren. Mainly because when I want off that mother f’ing ride, I WANT OFF NOW! I thought i would have less sides with E but it turned out that the sides were the same, they just crept up on me instead of just being there. May not be a bad idea to just run Ace for 6 to 8 weeks instead of the E at 10 to 12 weeks. Especially since you already know it had the potential to cause problems with you.
@Ironside @ALEXANDER_TRAPS @Bigmurph
Going to switch to Test Prop, Tren Ace what do you think about 200mg test prop, 300mg Tren Ace weekly.
Tren for 6 weeks… winny & test for the last 4. Am I good to keep the test at 200mg weekly or should I up it after the tren while on the winny?

Thanks for the info guys… keep going back & forth with this one
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I think you’re fine running the prop at 200mg. The fact that it’s a faster ester, you can get away with playing with the dosage a bit more without much repercussion.
@MormonMuscle , only thing i would change is that stanazolol for 50 days meaning (7weeks)at wich point at week 6? or week 10? Or from the begging ? If i was going to go with an hardner i would do a combo of mast p and mast e, with some proviron, can mix masp and mast e, make a mix and mastp at 300mg and mast e at 400-500mg a week for 10 weeks, plus proviron every day at 25 - 50 mg split, for 10 weeks also, as its not hard on the liver cause its not 17alpha methylated, winstrol is good in my opinion but for hardnening and grany vascular look mast and proviron together beat winstrol by far.