Tapering on and off test


ICU nurse/Moderator
I was on a different forum and was reading about tapering off their test, and USH speaks highly of it. I’m 30 and not on trt so when I finish a cycle, I usually stop EQ and then run the test out another week and then start PCT. Now that I’m actually reading and looking at it, that does seem kind of crazy to just cut it off cold turkey. I know @Bigmurph has talked about tapering with prop a few times (at least I think it was him, all the posts run together in a blob of new knowledge after awhile)

What’s the prevailing consensus here for the taper?
For me personally, there is no taper, if your gonna run a proper pct, what’s the point? I am off cycle or on, no bullshit cruising, or anything in between, I am all the way, or nothing, if that makes sense.
I’ve always used a taper off from blast to TRT. I use the last 4 weeks of a cycle to come down to my TRT. Example 750mg last week of cycle before taper. One week 650mg then 550. Then 450 then last week to my TRT of 280.
@John that was always my mindset. I’m either on or off. It makes total sense to me, I just didn’t know if there was some benefit to dropping exogenous test slowly, while your natural test rose back up.

@TBU do you think that’s beneficial? If yes, how so?
For me. I’ve been TRT for 10+ years. When I go from blast to TRT level without the taper. I get some imbalance in my body and don’t deal well with the straight drop. Sleep. Mood. Performance. All suffer and while I can cope with them for a few weeks, I just feel better with the taper since I’m on test for life now.
It depends how high my test is, if I’m blasting on 600-750 I’ll normally just go back to a cruise dose. If I’m at or above 1g test I usually cut it to 500 for a week. Otherwise I’m all up in my feels!
Yes I use to taper on and off before I started to blast and cruise.

If you’re running EQ you should actually taper down with test prop for 4wks after your last shot of eq then wait 3 days and start pct.

It all depends upon the esters of the compounds you are running.
If you run decca, sust, Eq anything with a really long ester tapering up is good and down at the end is even better I would really use the taper down at the end but you have to match it up with the length of the esters in your cycle.
If you’re running a oral at the beginning of the cycle I wouldn’t really worry about tapering up because that’s basically the reason for running an oral to get a head start before all your inj compounds start to kick.

The taper really helps with mental wellbeing. Just like any other compound if you went to rehab they wouldn’t make you go cold Turkey because you can actually die I don’t believe that you can actually die from not tapering hormones but it definitely helps your body deal with the changes.

Let me know if you have any specific questions about it
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Okay, that makes a lot sense. I am running EQ with tpp/ NPP this cycle coming up, I have some tpp and prop on hand. Since Prop is a shorter Ester, at the 16 week mark I should be able to switch to prop to taper down over the next 4 weeks, correct?
Nice! Sounds like a winning plan to me!

I know I’ve said this before, but it is worth repeating. This place is fantastic. It’s helped me more than I can even begin to explain. It’s given me so much confidence to branch out and try new things.

Looking forward to being able to pay it forward in the future.
As far as the taper up you’re referring to, I’m running proviron the whole time, but are you saying taper up just the test or taper it all up at the start?
Just the testosterone and running the proviron the whole time will actually help with the test prop tapering up because it will help with aromatase and test prop tends to aromatase faster than longer esters at least for me everyone is different some don’t even have to worry about estrogen but certain compounds like test prop raise my estrogen quicker. I would run 50mg of proviron ed split the whole time right up until beginning pct its an amazing compound.